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Production Order Confirmation: BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_HDR using COGI?

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We are using the BAPI BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_HDR to confirm production Production Orders.   Everything is working great except when the system does the 101 Goods Receipt Movement it shows that the transaction used was GOGI in the Material Document Created.  However, it did not error or go into COGI (or at least we did not have to re-reprocess it through COGI).  Even though everything is technically working as it should, there is a concern that when the user looks at the Material Document and see’s this PostProcess Faulty Goods Movements they will think there was an issue when there really wasn’t.   Does anyone know why this is happening and what we can do to correct it? Here is a screen shot of what the Material Document Looks Like after the program runs and the confirmation is done:

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Janice

This is according to the system standard design. I suggest you to read carefully the following FAQ note:

540392 - FAQ: Automatic goods movements

Question 10 of this note provides the following information:

For separated goods movements, that is, goods movements that are posted in the update program or via requests, only one transaction code can be specified due to technical reasons. This is always COGI.  Therefore, this user must also have an authorization for COGI; otherwise the goods movements are processed incorrectly.


Former Member
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thx for the Quick Response Caetano!

At least now we know "that is the way it is"