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Problem wih delivery address on print preview

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Dear experts,

I have a problem with the delivery address on the print preview.

When i create my PO and i attahced the storage location my delivery address in good in the PO and in the print preview.

When i'm not attaching the storage location the delivery address in PO is the one of the plant but in the print preview i have the different address that i do not know where its comming from.

Can you tell me which addreess in used by program as a delivery address when the storage location is not mentioned?

I thinkits that program SAPFM06P.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Answers (3)

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Check material is directly supplied to another vendor ?,probably that address might be picked up in p.o print delivery address

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the address is always coming from ADRC table.

from PO you take the plant number and look into table T001W and take from there the adress number, and with the adress number you lookup ADRC table.

If your print programm does it different, then

check whether EKPO has a address number stored, in this case the address got manually changed in the PO and you can use this number to get the address as well from ADRC.

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I checked the ADRC table and the addresses there are corresponding to the storage location addresses.

The problem is what is the program doing when the storage location is not precise in the PO. Where from the delivery address in taken in that case.

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either from the plant, or what the user entered in the PO manually . or if it is special case like third-party order, then it comes from ship-to partner or sales the sales order

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The T001W table is correctly fullefield. I checked the PO created by the user and there was no manuall changes done on the PO ( nothing on header or item level).

Explain me please how to check the addresses in the special case of the third parties.

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in case of 3rd party order you have a account assignment which has the sales order number.

execute VA03 und enter the sales order number. goto the partner tab at header level and obtain which customer number is the ship-to.

the address for this customer number can be seen with XD03 transaction.

you can as well check at KNA1 table to find the address number and with address number again get the address from ADRC table.

Former Member
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Hi ,

I'm not managing to find the sales document - i try by the selection of the material used in PO and by the PO number too.

I managed to find the customer but its not this address that its apearing in the print preview.

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Check PO script with the help of your ABAPER , whether they Hard coded the delivery address.