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What do we mean by writing PCR's(Personnel Calculation Rules)?

I have grouped employees based on PCR & CAP.

But I heard regarding writing of PCR's. Where do we write PCR's? Any, or table #'s?

I did customize Schema's but haven't written PCR's. Any pointers reg PCR's would be helpful

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Hi Sreekanth,

Please check the table 'V_503_All' whether you have assigned the corresponding employee subgroup groupings correctly for the ESG for PCR and work schedule grouping and also check in the table V_001P_All whether the holiday calendar assigned to the PA exist or not? or the correct one.



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If u worked on Schemas u shud be knowing PCRs

Schema are nothing but set of PCRs and functions.

Tcode for PCR is Pe02

But take care while changing any of the PCRs they are very sensitive areas and have very narrow set of variables in which u can play with but a small wrong change in the PCR can cause a lot of trouble.



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Hey Manish, Thanks !

You know what, I did work on schemas and what I worked was...

Did copied U000 to my own schema and then, clicked on change button and deactivated BSI flag and other tax components in order to generate payroll without Tax category. Hope I made myself clear.

Can you elaborate where exactly do I incorporate pcr's in schema's(PE01)?

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Hey Manish,

One more question, if you can help me...

While running payroll simulation with U000, i am getting error as Customizing errors in work schedule in es grping - hcalnder - ps grping - wsrule.

pls help...

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PCR is used to maintain your calculation using various Operation for particular WT. You can maintain your PCR using the Tcode PE02. You have to include the Rule in the Parameter column of Schema.

You haven't generated the WSR for your grouping, that is why it is throwing you a error message. Go to Img -> TM -> WS -> WSR and WS -> Generate WSR Manually.

Good Luck


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Thanks Om, well i did generate WSR manually.. and still i get the same message...

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Have you created for all the period what you have mentioned. Have you clicked the Create All button. Just for confirmation.

Good Luck


Are you getting the error for all the employees under the same grouping or for particular employees.

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Om Prakash

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have u assigned your Holiday calender to the personnel sub area



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yes i did