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I have a requirement like this:

I have to download the payroll expensing data in such a way that it contains PERNR , LGART (Wage Type) , BETRG (Amount) , GL A/C and PROJK (WBS Element) as fields!!!! One serious issue is my client has requirement like, he has one GL A/C mapped to different Wage types (for ex: LTA arrears and LTA are mapped to same GL A/C). Is there any table which will contain all these details as in the manner explained above? BSEG doesn't contain the LGART field as it contains only the summarised data of Payroll results excluding the LGART.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Madhav,

You can use the following logic:

Table PPOIX holds the Payroll results data, PERNR, LGART, BETRG and it also has the Symbolic Account (KOMOK).

Then, read table T030 for the link between G/L accounts and Symbolic Accounts (KOMOK). Use KTOSL = 'HRC' and BWMOD = the relevant PPMOD.

Please award points if this helps you.



Former Member
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My Problem is almost solved by this.. COuld you please tell me briefly about the PPOIX Table? Will it contain all the results irrespective of whether the results are posted to FI or not?

Former Member
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It will contain all the results only posted to FI.
