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Payment Block in Substitution Rule

Former Member
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I' created a Substitution rule to block particular vendor invoices at callup point 2 when they are entered in the system. At some point in time, I need to unblock these vendor invoices in order to make a payment. When I unblock the invoices, my substitution rule keeps blocking the invoices again. What do I need to do to only have my Substitution Rule work at the time of invoice entry?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Active Contributor
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Wow, 7 years ago this was a topic.

I looked at this today and with SYST-TCODE this is working fine for my needs.



Former Member
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Would I put the IF statement right in the prerequisite of the Substitution rule of does that go someplace else?

Former Member
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OK I am not sure your processes you currently use.

Do you use MIRO or FB60.

You could JUST add the tcode to your rule if you new the tcodes you used to create the vendor postings.

Please consider Vendor credits as well, do they block as standard?

Anyway I guess you have a rule that says something like if doc type is "KR" then add a payment block. What you need to do now if you know ALL of your doc types is say, if the doc type is "KR" and the tcode is "MIRO, FB60" then add payment block.

That way when you go to change the payment block in FB02 you can save it correctly.

Please assign points if this is useful.

Former Member
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OK you need to specify the t code, so you can have an if statement to say if t code is FB02 ignore rule.