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Order-backlog Report for Customer Projects

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Dear Experts,

We have a very important requirement which is a main KPI in our business process. We need to create a report which gives us the details of the order backlog report i.e Order Backlog = Planned Costs - Actual Costs. We tried using some CDS view (I_ENGMNTPROJBILLGANDRBLSCUBE) to create a custom report but we failed in fetching the details. We have a work around solution by using the apps "Project Financial Controller Overview" and "Project Briefs" but this does give the orderbacklog information directly and cannot export to excel. Also, we are looking for the same requirement for our EPPM projects as well.         I would appreciate any expert opinions on this topic or if any members of the community is tracking Orderbacklogs from their business process.


Evans Aarons

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If you only need to export data from SAP to Excel, some apps out there do just that (most, if not all, are paid tools). 

However, I do think that since you have all the needed data on SAP, you shouldn't export it but run the process in SAP.

You can use InsightZAP to merge two (or more) reports on SAP. So, if you plan to issue reports based on different transactions and sum them up, you can do so with a few clicks. 

BTW, InsightZAP also allows you to download files from SAP to Excel (and vis-versa). So if it's a must-do for this project, it can also be useful. 

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Hi rhoresh, Thanks for you inputs but I believe maybe this sol. could be used in SAP on-premise system but not on SAP S/4HANA Cloud. And it is not only about exporting to excel but also track these orderbacklog costs which are not billed for audit purposes.
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Hi @evans_aarons, do you use the private cloud or public cloud? InsightZAP is written in ABAP and works with S/4HANA, but I believe it can only work with the private cloud.
Hi rhoresh1, Thanks for the clarification. I am using Public Cloud, but let me check with my development team if this can be utilized ?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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