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oci catalog in po and pr screen

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I have a doubt to configure OCI catalog

is these setting alone enough for configuration

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu     Materials ManagementPurchasingEnvironment DataWeb Services: ID and Description

Transaction Code     SPRO

2.     In change view Web Services: ID and Description go to New Entries and create technical web name as TEST-001 and Save.

3.     Web id TEST -001 IS saved.

4.     Select the web id and click on call structure.

5.     Enter the following values.


no     Description/Name of the paramener.     Vale of the patameter for web service     Type


10               0 URL.

20     User name     OCI30_4     2 fixed value

30     password     12biirs4me     2 fixed value

40     SERVICE          2 fixed value

50     HOOK_URL          4 return url

60     Submit     TEST OCI Site     2 fixed value

1 . will the oci button create automatically in PR and Po screen after spro setting or anyother configurationto be done

2 . to check  for catalog content errors such as UOM (ISO code) errors, Material Group  errors . where should be maintained

3.purchase requisiton each item can be assigned to different vendor and so can be sourced from different catalogs

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Active Contributor
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What is the reason that you post user name and password in public? Do you think this is relevant for an answer?

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hi i took these from one of old post in scn

i have doubts the three points i mentioned

Active Contributor
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So you  copied an answer which is clearly marked as correct  to ask your questions. Did you even test this yourself?

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yeah i did it but i am unable to get oci button in me21n

and i dont know what are other configuration to be maintained

and how we can do a error check