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Obya cross company using special ledger

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

I´m trying to configure obya, to post a cross company movemente in financila, but using a posting key = special ledger and and the system does not allow, someone can help me??

In one part of the movement I need to post in customer acc with special ledger.


Ana Santos

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Former Member
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While doing Cross company posting first you have to enter Customer in first screen with spl gl for ex A with proper posting key (example 09) and in the second screen take another company code in the New company code field in expense line item

So that you can post a CC transaction



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, thanks for your help. The problem is that I have two situations for the same relation company A and company B.

Example 1 u2013 OBYA

Company A: Debit = 01 customer acc in comp. A / Credit = 50 profit acc u201CXu201D in comp. A

Company B: Debit = 40 cost acc u201CYu201D in comp. B / Credit = 31 in vendor acc in comp. B

When Iu2019m posting, I can start with the debit movement in customer acc (with PK 09 and special ledger) in company A; and credit vendor acc in company B (31 u2013 vendor acc), simulating I will have the automatic movements from OBYA (in bold). With this I have the problem of the special ledger solved in I only have one movement / relation to post.

But the problem is that I need another relation for example 2, and I can only make one entry in OBYA by Relation Company A - B.

Example 2 u2013 OBYA

Company A: Debit = 01 customer acc in comp. A / Credit = 50 profit acc u201CZu201D in comp. A

Company B: Debit = 40 cost acc u201CUu201D in comp. B / Credit = 31 in vendor acc in comp. B

Thanks again,

Ana Santos