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Objects registration wizard - Header lines style

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Good Morning.

I will appreciate your help with the topic that I detail:

I have created two user tables:

Table 1 - Object type - Master data

Table 2 - Object type - Master data lines Then

I make some user fields for each table and proceed to register the object with the wizard, everything works fine but the option of header lines style does not allow me to see the form, there is no error message or any window that indicates failure , I go back to the object registration wizard and switch to the matrix style option and it works correctly.

Is there a document that can be consulted to correct this? Or am I doing something wrong?

Attached images of what was done.

Kind regards. Frame.

object-2.pngobject-3.png object-4.pngobject-5.pngobject-6.pngobject-7.png

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi marco.ramrez,

An SAP Add-On license is required for the SAP Business One logon user to open the default form of the Header - Line style UDO.

Kindly refer to SAP Note 1734513 for the same.

Kind regards,


SAP Business One Support

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Good morning ankit.chauhan1

Thank you very much for the help. Solved case.

Best regards.
