on 2019 Nov 08 9:26 AM
Dear Team, We are getting issue in system access. System is up and running but not able to login to system. sometimes able to login the system but not able to run any t-code. all dialog WP are in running state and captured by user SAPSYS in client 000. I made the changes for BTC = 0, to delete the delayed jobs but now worked.
System is not able to lock any table against any t-code/report.
trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "753"
M sysno 00
M sid SND
M systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
M relno 7530
M patchlevel 0
M patchno 500
M intno 20170305
M make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
M profile \\SANDBOX\sapmnt\SND\SYS\profile\SND_DVEBMGS00_SANDBOX
M pid 4936
M Fri Nov 8 11:21:40:262 2019
M kernel runs with dp version 60000(ext=119000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-0+60000-UC)
M length of sys_adm_ext is 524 bytes
M ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workp. 0 4936) [dpInit.c 845]
I MtxInit: ABAP_WP_0 0 0
M Fri Nov 8 11:21:40:494 2019
M DpIPCInit2: read dp-profile-values from sys_adm_ext
M DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1500/16/5712064/6003152
M DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
M DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
M DpSockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1500/16/1560064/1560080
M DpShMCreate: ATTACH shared memory. Protection via classic eyecatchers
M DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 0xdd0050, size: 66325168)
M DpShMCreate: sys_adm 0xdd0250, 1 x 95208 (95208)
M DpShMCreate: wp_adm_list 0xde7840, 9 x 32 (288)
M DpShMCreate: wp_adm 0xde7b60, 23 x 1496 (34408)
M DpShMCreate: tm_adm_list 0xdf03d0, 4 x 32 (128)
M DpShMCreate: tm_adm 0xdf0650, 1001 x 55344 (55399344)
M DpShMCreate: ca_adm 0x42c5c00, 6000 x 72 (432000)
M DpShMCreate: comm_adm 0x432f580, 1 x 6003152 (6003152)
M DpShMCreate: slock_adm 1 x 0 - no allocation
M DpShMCreate: file_adm 1 x 0 - no allocation
M DpShMCreate: sock_adm 0x48e9150, 1 x 1560080 (1560080)
M DpShMCreate: vmc_adm_list 0x4a66160, 5 x 32 (160)
M DpShMCreate: vmc_adm 0 x 3224 - no allocation
M DpShMCreate: ca_info 0x4a66400, 1 x 60 (60)
M DpShMCreate: gw_adm 0x4a66640, 1 x 52 (52)
M DpShMCreate: j2ee_adm 0x4a66880, 1 x 3928 (3928)
M DpShMCreate: wall_adm_ft 0x4a679e0, 1 x 208064 (208064)
M DpShMCreate: wall_adm_fi 0x4a9a8a0, 1 x 205072 (205072)
M DpShMCreate: wall_adm_head 0x4accbb0, 1 x 60 (60)
M DpShMCreate: amc_rec_adm_ft 0x4accdf0, 1 x 1408064 (1408064)
M DpShMCreate: amc_rec_adm_fi 0x4c24c30, 1 x 377072 (377072)
M DpShMCreate: amc_rec_adm_head 0x4c80f20, 1 x 60 (60)
M DpShMCreate: comp_msg_adm_ft 0x4c81160, 1 x 96064 (96064)
M DpShMCreate: comp_msg_adm_fi 0x4c98aa0, 1 x 119072 (119072)
M DpShMCreate: comp_msg_adm_head 0x4cb5dc0, 1 x 96 (96)
M DpShMCreate: logon_cnt_adm_ft 0x4cb6020, 1 x 64 (64)
M DpShMCreate: logon_cnt_adm_fi 0x4cb6260, 1 x 33072 (33072)
M DpShMCreate: logon_cnt_adm_head 0x4cbe590, 1 x 96 (96)
M DpShMCreate: websocket_adm_ft 0x4cbe7f0, 1 x 336064 (336064)
M DpShMCreate: websocket_adm_head 0x4d10ab0, 1 x 76 (76)
M DpShMCreate: system runs without VMC
M DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=432f580/ft=432f590/fi=48a1e50)
M DpSockAttachTable: attached sock table (header=48e9150/ft=48e9160)
X EM: Initializing PROC global storage: quota=0 use_stdheap=0
X Fri Nov 8 11:21:40:555 2019
X EM: Initializing PROC local storage: quota=0 use_stdheap=0
X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
X MM global diagnostic options set: 0
X EmSetReserve: set EM reserve to 87 EM blocks
X <ES> client 0 initializing ....
X EsSetImplementation: Using implementation view
X <ES> EsILock: use Mutex for locking
X <ES> Info: TimeMeasurementActive = 0
X <EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
X ES initialized.
X mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
X EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 7ff7f7e85014
M Fri Nov 8 11:21:41:352 2019
M ThStart: taskhandler started
M ThInit: initializing DIA work process W0
X MM global diagnostic options set: 0
M Fri Nov 8 11:21:44:102 2019
M ThInit: running on host SANDBOX
I MtxInit: ABAP_WP_0 0 0
M Fri Nov 8 11:21:46:595 2019
M calling db_connect ...
B Loading DB library 'E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00\exe\dboraslib.dll' ...
B Library 'E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00\exe\dboraslib.dll' loaded
B Version of 'E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00\exe\dboraslib.dll' is "753.02", patchlevel (0.500)
B read_con_info_ssfs(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol
B ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs
C dbs/ora/array_buf_size = 130000
C dbs/ora/stmt_cache_size = 250
C SQL retry delay period set to 2000 ms.
C Statement Cache (size=250) created
C Oracle client version:, (dbsl 753 160519, UNICODE[2], LE)
C Detailed Oracle client (patch) info not available.
C Fri Nov 8 11:21:51:464 2019
C New environment handle env=F8C2BBF310 for nls=0, con=0 created
C Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF16'
C local client OS environment: NLS_LANG = 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8'
C NLS_NCHAR not set
C Connecting as SAPSR3/<pwd>@SND on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 753 160519, UNICODE[2], LE)
C OCIHandleAlloc(con=0, env=F8C2BBF310): New service svc=F8C2BCFCD8 created, rc=0
C Fri Nov 8 11:21:51:649 2019
C OCIServerAttach(con=0, svc=F8C2BCFCD8): New server hdl. srv=F8C2BD0BD0 attached to 'SND'
C OCISessionBegin(con=0, svc=F8C2BCFCD8, srv=F8C2BD0BD0='SND'): start session usr=F8C2BE0050='SAPSR3', rc=0
C Now 'SAPSR3/<pwd>@SND' is connected: con=0, nls=0, session=12, time='2019-11-08 11:21:51'
C DB instance SND is running on SANDBOX with ORACLE version since NOV 08, 2019, 11:19:41.
C con CharacterSet (DB) NCharSet svchp srvhp usrhp nls TNS
C nls CharacterSet (Env) NCharSet envhp errhp er2hp bathp
B Fri Nov 8 11:21:52:211 2019
B Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
B *-- dbmetadata DbVendorMetaData --------------*
B Connection : R/3[0]
B DB vendor : ORACLE,753.02
B DB vendor : 4
B DBSL version : 753.02
B DBSL features
B maxstmtsize : 1048576
B maxmarkercnt : 65535
B maxincnt : 1000
B maxlongsize : 32768
B maxhistlongsize : 32768
B minhistlongsize : 32768
B maxmarkersize : 8
B autorpad : 0
B stringspadded : 0
B blk1obj1mod : 1
B haverownum : 1
B havepermanentstmts : 0
B fupdlockperm : 1
B fupdorder : 1
B preferunionall : 0
B prefer_join : 0
B prefer_join_with_fda : 0
B preferinitabopt : 1
B useinputsize : 0
B preferfixblocking : 0
B maxblockingfactor : 5
B minblockingfactor : 5
B maxinblockingfactor : 5
B mininblockingfactor : 5
B maxunionblockingfactor : 5
B minunionblockingfactor : 5
B prefer_asterisk : 15
B deferred_lob_writing : 0
B prefer_count_big : 0
B supports_fda_prot : 0
B smallint_cast : 0
B integer_division_mode : 2
B set_session_variables_always: 0
B Fri Nov 8 11:21:52:213 2019
B dck_cannot_use_limit : 0
B FAE controls
B supports_fda_prot : 0
B prefer_in_itab_opt : 1
B prefer_union_all : 0
B prefer_join : 0
B prefer_join_with_fda : 0
B prefer_fix_blocking : 0
B max_blocking_factor : 5
B min_blocking_factor : 5
B max_in_blocking_factor : 5
B min_in_blocking_factor : 5
B max_union_blocking_factor : 5
B min_union_blocking_factor : 5
B DB feature mode
B views_parameters_unnamed : 0
B views_with_parameters : 1
B release restricion : true
B external_views : 0
B release restricion : false
B release restricion : true
B release restricion : true
B release restricion : true
B release restricion : false
B release restricion : false
B release restricion : false
B itabs_in_from_clause : 0
B release restricion : false
B limit_in_subselect_or_cte : 1
B release restricion : DBI_GE_DB_RELEASE_PREPUT(REL_752_769)
B cte_in_correlated_subqueries : 1
B release restricion : true
B Hint settings
B ABAP hints enabled : 1
B Fri Nov 8 11:21:52:214 2019
B DBI hints enabled : 1
B DBI hints enforced : 0
B upto limit : 0
B Misc settings
B DB buffer size: 130000
B Reserved characters: {null}
B UPTO handling: 3
B UPTO handling DELETE: 0
B COALESCE with lobs: 1
B FOR ALL ENTRIES exclude client condition: 0
B *------------- DbVendorMetaData --------------*
C -->DbSlControl(con=0,cmd=43=DBSL_CMD_SAPRELEASE_SET) -> basis rel.='750'=750)
M ThDbConnect: db_connect o.k.
X Fri Nov 8 11:22:02:899 2019
X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
X MM global diagnostic options set: 0
X EmSetReserve: set EM reserve to 87 EM blocks
X <ES> client 0 initializing ....
X EsSetImplementation: Using implementation view
X <ES> Info: TimeMeasurementActive = 0
X ES initialized.
X mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
X EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 7ff7f7e85014
M ThIPCInit: do parallel init
B hook function dbdt_trace_lvl_callback registered. Current trace level is 1
B Fri Nov 8 11:22:06:090 2019
B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 23, CON_ID = -1
B Table statistics is switched off.
B Start CursorInit
B TBI initializing semaphore lock manager ...
B tbi_get_buffer_size_mb() => table buffer size 2118 MB
B tbi_get_dir_entries() => directory size 657040
B tbx_set_req: table buffer is configured with
B overall size = 2220883968 bytes
B directory = 657040 entries
B protect_shm = off
B displacement = on
B request_unit = 20000
B displ_timeout = 80000
B inval_with_clear = on
B displ_multiple_remove = on
B sync_reload = 5
B inval_reload = 5
B free_displ_perc = 3
B req_displ_perc = 5
B max_displ_perc = 10
B max_size_perc = 25
B Fri Nov 8 11:22:07:102 2019
B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TBI64 (addr: 0000000064A60140, size: 2220883968, end: 00000000E9060140)
B DBI: init TBI BUFFER: rc=0
B DbSqlObjectFactory created, max = 1000, useCache true
B DbStatementManager created, max = 1500, useCache true
B dbprotocol: table logging switched off for all clients
B DbDmlCursor::maxItabInvalidationThreshold = 20
B DB FDA shm initialized: ptr=000000F8C2DC11F0 total_size_wp=1048576I64u used_size_wp=1048576
B Fri Nov 8 11:22:08:059 2019
B dbsync[db_syinit]: successfully attached to shared memory, sync_adm_p = 0000000055020050
B dbsync[db_syinit]: Buffer synchronisation started with
B sync_concept = SEQ_NR
B sendon = 1
B bufreftime = 120
B max_gap_wait_time = 60
B ddlog_del_time = 60
B last_counter = -2146020562
B oldest_gap = (2147483647,19700101000000)
B time_of_last_sync = 20191108112153
B MySysId = 'SANDBOX 00'
B Fri Nov 8 11:22:10:536 2019
B dbexpbuf[EXP_OTR]: successfully attached to shared memory
B dbexpbuf[EXP_OTR]: buffer installed with the following properties
B semKey = 55
B shmKey = 64
B wpCnt = 23
B blockSize = 256
B maxObjects = 2000
B maxObjectSize = 859520
B freeListVectorSize = 33
B hashVectorSize = 4001
B bufferSize = 4194304
B maxBlocks = 13430
B freeBlocksCnt = 13430
B mutexVectorSize = 4003, ADMIN_MUTEX = 4001, INVAL_MUTEX = 4002
B tracing = 0
B forceChecks = 0
B protectShm = 0
B NTAB: ddntt_column_check(no_of_columns = 22): DBSQLTIMESTMP not found, COMPCNT found, VERSION found => DDNTT db_structure is 'B'
B NTAB: unicodelg of executable is 2, SVERS nametab: unicodelg = 2, version = 'B'
B NTAB: Lock entries before commit is enabled via rsdb/ntab/lock_entries_for_commit profile parameter setting.
B NTAB: Use mutex for access counter is enabled via rsdb/ntab/use_mutex_lock_for_access profile parameter setting.
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:11:084 2019
M SHM_PRES_BUF (addr: 55bf0050, size: 4400000)
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:13:218 2019
M ThCreateNoBuffer allocated 2720152 bytes for 5000 entries at 56540050
M ThCreateNoBuffer index size: 15000 elems
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:13:367 2019
M ThCreateVBAdm allocated 33392 bytes (50 server) at 567e0050
M ICT: exclude compression: *.zip,*.rar,*.arj,*.z,*.gz,*.tar,*.lzh,*.cab,*.hqx,*.ace,*.jar,*.ear,*.war,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.pdf,*.gzip,*.uue,*.bz2,*.iso,*.sda,*.sar,*.gif,*.png,*.swc,*.swf
B Fri Nov 8 11:22:13:609 2019
B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [ORACLE:753.02]):
B max_blocking_factor = 5, min_blocking_factor = 5,
B max_in_blocking_factor = 5, min_in_blocking_factor = 5,
B max_union_blocking_factor = 5, min_union_blocking_factor = 5,
B prefer_union_all = 0, prefer_join = 0,
B prefer_fix_blocking = 0, prefer_in_itab_opt = 1,
B convert AVG = 0, alias table FUPD = 0,
B escape_as_literal = 1,
B select * =0x0f, character encoding = STD / <none>:-,
B use_hints = abap->1, dbif->0x1, upto->4294967295
G rscpInstLangInit: logon_languages found in TCP0I, value = DE
G rscpInstLangInit: Illegal logon languages value found in TCP0I, they will be ignored
G Fri Nov 8 11:22:14:234 2019
G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 120, pEnforce = 0 )
G GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 99, pEnforce = 1 )
G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 100, pEnforce = 1 )
S *** init spool environment
S TSPEVJOB updates outside critical section: event_update_nocsec = 1
S initialize debug system
T Stack direction is downwards.
T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
T new memory block f8c309ad40
S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
S 1 spool work process(es) found
S frontend print via spool service enabled
S Fri Nov 8 11:22:14:700 2019
S printer list size is 150
S printer type list size is 50
S queue size (profile) = 300
S hostspool list size = 3000
S option list size is 30
S Fri Nov 8 11:22:14:850 2019
S found processing queue enabled
S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 56db00d0
S doing lock recovery
S setting server cache root
S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 56db07c0
S using messages for server info
S size of spec char cache entry: 297032 bytes (timeout 100 sec)
S size of open spool request entry: 2592 bytes
S immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:15:610 2019
M ThrCreateShObjects allocated 47944 bytes at 56f50050
I MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
I Fri Nov 8 11:22:16:473 2019
I MPI init, attached: pipes=4010 buffers=2718 reserved=815 quota=10%, buffer size=65536, total size MB=170
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:17:258 2019
M CCMS: SemInMgt: Initializing Semaphore Management in AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
M CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
E EnqClientEnv: Register calls for begin (0x7ff7f653951c) and end (0x7ff7f65396d4) of enqueue calls
A Fri Nov 8 11:22:17:573 2019
A PXA: using abap/buffersize 3584000
A abStoreSetDiagMode: set ABAP mm diag mode to OFF
O ab_pbinit: Program generation trace switched on.
O ---PXA-------------------------------------------
O ab_pbinit: System page size: 4kb, total admin_size: 283628kb, dir_size: 69984kb.
O Fri Nov 8 11:22:19:431 2019
O allocatePxaDataSpace: Attached to PXA (address bf940050 - 19a540050, size 3584000K, 4 fragments of 825096K )
O ab_pbinit: Locked PXA-Semaphore for init.
O ab_pbinit: Using a guard page at PXA start to protect parameters and release info.
A Initializing unique PID = 18
O Fri Nov 8 11:22:19:933 2019
O ab_pbinit: abap/pxa = shared protect gen_remote
O ab_pbinit: checking structure sizes: 856|288|16
O ---PXA-------------------------------------------
A ATRA: pfclock execution time = 1 (unit: 100 nano seconds)
A abap/force_local_update_task=0
A ABAP ShmAdm attached (addr=7dfb3f47000 leng=366985216 end=7dfc9d43000)
A >> Shm MMADM area (addr=7dfb91b1e60 leng=4316352 end=7dfb95cfb20)
A >> Shm MMDAT area (addr=7dfb95d0000 leng=276246528 end=7dfc9d43000)
A RFC Destination> destination SANDBOX_SND_00 host SANDBOX system SND systnr 0 (SANDBOX_SND_00)
A Set RFC Options> H=SANDBOX,S=00,d=2,
B dbrda: Redirect database access is disabled via rsdb/rda profile parameter setting.
A reseting RFC standard destinations
A RFC Destination> NONE already exits
A RFC Destination> NONE Fast Serialization Mode is OK
A RFC Destination> NONE is unicode
A reseting RFC standard destinations
A RFC rfc/signon_error_log = -1
A RFC rfc/dump_connection_info = 0
A RFC rfc/dump_client_info = 0
A RFC rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1
A RFC rfc/cp_convert/conversion_char = 23
A RFC rfc/wan_compress/threshold = 251
A RFC rfc/recorder_pcs not set, use defaule value: 2
A RFC rfc/delta_trc_level not set, use default value: 0
A RFC rfc/no_uuid_check not set, use default value: 0
H HTTP> Parameter icf/ssocookie_mandatory set to 0
H HTTP> Parameter icf/cors_enabled set to 0
H UCON> ReadProfileParams: Value for checking vhost: 0.
V Using old implementation without merge buffer.
V ABCOV: got abap/cov_buffersize = 108380
Y dyWpInit
Y ztta/dynpro_area 800000
Y resize dynpro_area 0 800000
Y ztta/cua_area 500000
Y ztta/diag_area 250000
Y resize diag_area 0 250000
N MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Logon Ticket cache pointer retrieved from shared memory.
N MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Workprocess runs with Logon Ticket cache.
W =================================================
W Fri Nov 8 11:22:19:965 2019
W === ipl_Init() called
W ITS Plugin: Release: 7530.0.500.20170305
W ITS Plugin: sizeof(SAP_UC)=2, MB_CUR_MAX=1
W ITS Plugin: system codepage: 4103, current locale: C
W ITS Plugin: Int.version: 35
W ITS Plugin: Feature set: 35
W ===... Calling itsp_Init in external dll ===>
W === ipl_Init() returns 0, ITSPE_OK: OK
W =================================================
N VSI: WP init in ABAP VM completed with rc=0
N SsfSapSecin: getenv(SECUDIR)=="E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00/sec"
N =================================================
N ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
N ===...SSF library is E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapcrypto.dll .
N ===...SSF default hash algorithm is SHA1 .
N ===...SSF default symmetric encryption algorithm is AES128-CBC .
N ===...SSF lib codepage is set to 1 .
N ===...SSF FIPS 140-2 mode is disabled .
N ===...SECUDIR="E:\usr\sap\SND\DVEBMGS00/sec"
N ===...loading of Security Toolkit successfully completed.
N === CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28 (May 8 2019) [AES-NI,CLMUL,SSE3,SSSE3]
N =================================================
N Fri Nov 8 11:22:22:555 2019
N SignInit: successfully obtained handle for Security Context cache
N SPNegoInit: SPNego disabled ("spnego/enable" not set to 1)
M JrfcVmcRegisterNativesDriver o.k.
M ThrtAmcInit: use DB table AMC_RECEIVER2 for AMC dispatching
M etd_event_sender/enable: 0
M etd_event_sender/server: HOST=, PORT=0, SEND_METHOD=DATAGRAM
M etd_event_sender/ssl_config: not defined
M Set restart flag on 0 MB os heap (val=0)
M Fri Nov 8 11:22:24:365 2019
M AdAdjustBufferForLongMessages: maximal number of AD records is 10000, scratch len = 1040036 bytes
B Fri Nov 8 11:46:00:011 2019
B dbsync[db_syexe]: wait=0, call_no=11, current_ts=20191108114600, last_counter=-2146020562
B Fri Nov 8 11:48:00:023 2019
B dbsync[db_syexe]: wait=0, call_no=12, current_ts=20191108114800, last_counter=-2146020562
E Fri Nov 8 11:49:00:159 2019
E Enqueue Info: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE
E Profile-Parameter: enque/sync_dequeall = 0
M Fri Nov 8 11:49:01:189 2019
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: connect (10061: WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused) [D:/depot/bas/753_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3449]
M *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 11/sock 1340
(SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp 3449]
M {root-id=00155D0843071EDA80BDF4D233C0E0C3}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M *** ERROR => EncNiConnect: unable to connect (NIECONN_REFUSED). See SAP note 1943531 [encomi.c 445]
User | Count |
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