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New movement type

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What are the factors I need to take care when I create a new movement type.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Movement types have an important control function. In particular, they play a major role in updating the stock quantity and stock value in the material master record. Changing some of the indicators (such as the quantity string or value string) is considered a modification. Please note that update errors resulting from incorrect settings for a movement type

Refer this below link you



Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Former Member
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Make sure you enter the correct To & From mov.type including the new one which you want to create in the transaction OMJJ.

i.e. if you want to create mov.type 901 by copying 501 then you have to enter the mov.types in From & To field.

Create new mov.type as per the requirement by Copying the standard SAP mov.type & maintain the necessary Short texts.

Also remember to create reversal mov.types for the new one which you are creating & maintain the same in the Reversal/Follow-on mov.type section.

Hope the above mentioned points will be helpful.

Thanks & Regards,

Active Contributor
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Genrally SAP has covered almost all type of Inventory Movements so rarely it is required to create a new Movement Type. But is few circumstances only we need to create new MvT. So while creating new MvT, you need to take care of folloiwing;

1. Change the Short and Long Description

2. Alwyas create a Reversal Movemnet Type and assign it to the new MvT. (For e.g. if Z01 then create Z02 also and assign under "Reversal MvT" option)

3. Check whether reall used in all the Allowed Trsnactions.

4. Field Selection for MvT.

5. Alowed Reason for Movements

6. Account Grouping (Whether a new Acct. Modifier is required for having separate A/c Detmn.)

7. Whether QM should be active or not?

8. Batch Classification is required in background or foreground.

Active Contributor
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Depending upon the requiremnet u can copy the existing mvmt type & give the required description.

It has to be done in OMJJ.

Active Contributor
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1 ) always copy from sander movement type to create new movement type

Ex 501 ,you want modify this process ,then copy 501 and make changes in new movement type

2) always give nomenclature to new movement type with from 9 ,x,y,z


Kailas ugale

Active Contributor
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If you need to post posting documents to differenty G/L accounts then you need to create new movement type Or suppose some material to material transfers every day happing for a perticular process,then movement type is helpful to get report and analysis purpose.