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Need to add warning message in me22n tcode purchase order

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pi7-image-img-20221216-104256.jpgHi team, I need to display and add a warning message in that tcode me22n purchase order and when clicking on check then it has to display warning message using badi enhancement only and if anyone know this , please provide code and badi definition name. it helps me.

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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Juneed,

Please use exit EXIT_SAPMM06E_012 for the message population you want to.

Refer the attached Link for the stepwise solution.

Call macro mmpur_message to populate the message.



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Hi Sagar,

Can you tell me that enhancement using badi only please ?

0 Kudos

Hi Sagar,

I implemented that code but it will not trigger and It will not reflect my error pop up and I did the same as u told me in the above steps and I tried different field names also but It didn't reflect in that tcode me22n and please help me with this and my requirement is to use badi only

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It is not working

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It should work. In my last project we had a similar requirement.

You can also try with BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST for the implementation but i don't think it will allow to add the message.

You can check the other customer exit under the enhancement MM06E005 ( check in tcode SMOD ) and I think you can also give a try for *012.

One more thing is that you should activate using tcode:CMOD project creation. Without that it will not get hit.

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