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Need to Add Forwarding Agent CR in Partner Function Conversion


Hello Experts, I need to add Partner function conversion for Forwarding Agent as below screen. Because when I am adding Forwarding agent in VT01N Create shipment, error is saying partner function SP not in TPAR.

Here I need to have SP meaning Forwarding Agent function as per standard SAP (e.g. AG=SP, WE=SH) to CR, When trying in partner function conversion it is giving me an error that SP (Forwarding Agent) is not created. Screenshot as below:


Prakash Parikh

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Hello Prakash,

In VT01N only Vendor is considered as partner function type CR. Please configure CR partner function for Vendor account group and make a vendor as forwading agent and enter in VT01N. The process will be working fine. However, placing below a SAP thread on same issue for your reference.


Neeraj Jain

0 Kudos

Hello Neeraj, Thanks for help. I have already created forwarding agent as vendor for account group 0005. In SD partner for customer, I have already CR partner added for customer master and in shipment partner function CR also. Still, I am getting an error when I added Forwarding agent in shipment creation. Partner SP not found in table TPAR but it is there as below screen. I analyzed that in partner conversion SP=CR is to be added which I tried but error that SP is not created. SP means in SAP CR like AG=SP

I need help how to create SP=CR in partner conversion?



0 Kudos

Hello Experts, I need to add partner conversion for SP=CR for forwarding agent as below screen Any help how to add as I am getting an error while adding SP as partner in conversion process.

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We tried functional module CONVERSION_EXIT_PARVW_INPUT for conversion but still not able to add SP=Cr as forwarding gent Any clue how to add?



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When you create a discussion and start adding additional information as asked by the members, please add the same under Comments and not under Answer as you were not answering but sharing additional information. Also, when you add under comments, a mail will be triggered to who you respond. By the way, I have converted all your above Answers to Comment

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Hi Neeraj,

I have created forwarding agent XK01 with account group 0005 with partner function including CR. But when create shipment VT01N error message VP120 "Partner function SP does not exist in Table TPAR. When I check Table TPAR there is no SP but have CR Forwarding agent. I think issue lies with Partner Function Conversion SP=CR When adding SP =CR or FA it is giving an error

Partner function SP has not been created

Message No. VC263

How to add SP = CR as partner function conversion?

0 Kudos

Need to add SP in shipment here

Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

Please check step by step following settings:

Step-1: Go to set up Partner Determination and select highlighted option:

Step -2: Go to Partner functions in procedure

Step-3: Go to "Partner Determination Procedure Assignment" and check your shipment type assigned with Partner Determination procedure "TR". Now system not allowed to paste more screen shots.

Step-4: In "Partner Function" Option - Partner Function=CR, Partner Type=LI and Error Group=08

Step-5: In "Account Group-Function Assignment" - No assignment of CR in this section.

Step-6: In "Partner Function Conversion" - Partner Function = SP and Partner Description=CR

Please check these above settings in your system. If not work


Neeraj Jain

Active Contributor

Also Check following Settings. Is AG or SP is assigned with CR in Customer Master setup?


Thanks a lot Neeraj. I have AG already having CR and FA in the partner functions. This is in customer master configuration. For shipment I have TR already CR ticked marked mandatory + Not modifiable. CR is also with account group 0005 for which Forwarding agent is created Tcode XK01. While adding SP partner with CR as description in partner function conversion same error message "Partner function SP has not been created Msg.No. VC263 How to resolve?

Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

Please refer SAP Note#1869738. I am placing some steps. Please do that and check issue is resolved or not.

  1. Goto transaction VOPAN.
  2. Select a partner object, e.g. Cust.Master .
  3. Doubleclick at "Partner Function Conversion" and maintain following entry
Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

Have you perform the steps as described in my last comments?

Please let me know if any help needed on it.


Neeraj Jain

0 Kudos

Hello Niraj, Earlier you had sent screenshot two for the steps to follow but now it disappears. I shall appreciate if you add again. Apologize for the inconvenience.

Why are all your answers disappeared? I checked all threads but unable to find. I added CR in AG. Assigned partner determination to account group 0001 I can see Partner function CR Partner LI with error group 08. CR is assigned to account group 0001. Now while going to add SP=CR in partner conversion again same error SP is missing in table TPAR.

Thanks for your time


0 Kudos

Thanks Neeraj I got all tab full conversation. I will work as per your screenshot and will let you know the result.

0 Kudos

Hi Neeraj,

Thanks a lot. I followed all steps as you suggested but partner conversion is not allowing me SP=CR Reverse could be done i.e. CR=SP After saving tried VT01N. But in VT01N it still gives an error "SP is not created in Table TPAR.



0 Kudos

Hi Niraj, I found that

  • In Table TPAUM, the translation for SP is incorrect for EN (English) language
  • While checking found that for some other languages it is correct
  • How to add/rectify this missing SP = CR forwarding agent in English languiage

Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

In the conversation, go to last page and click on "Show All" button. All conversation would be displayed.

Still if there is any issue please let me know.


Neeraj Jain

Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

Please send me the screen shot of transaction VOPAN where SP=CR is maintained in partner function conversion.


Neeraj Jain

Active Contributor

Hello Prakash,

Please send me the screen shot of transaction VOPAN where SP=CR is maintained in partner function conversion as requested 6 days ago. Procedure to maintain already explained in above conversation.


Neeraj Jain

0 Kudos

Hi Neeraj, please find screenshot for partner conversion but it is not allowing me to add SP=CR Error message is as below.

Active Contributor
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Hello Prakash,

In transaction VOPAN maintain following entries:

EN=AG=SP and then


If already maintained in VOPAN, show me the screen shot.


Neeraj Jain

0 Kudos

Hi Neeraj, I noticed that in Table TPAUM for language EN SP=CR is not present. When I am trying to add SP=CR in partner function conversion error message shows Partner function SP has not been created MSG VC263. So how to resolve this message? Whether ABAPer has to write code in SE91? I am not clear what to do so please guide me and advise next step. Appreciate your help. Thanks Prakash Parikh

Active Contributor
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Is AG=SP maintained in VOPAN?

5 Days before have sent this comment to you. Have you see this?

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Hi SD Experts, Still I am unable to resolve this issue. If anyone has suggetions how to add SP=CR Forwarding agent partner in partner function conversion let me know.

Thanks Prakash P.

0 Kudos

Our ABAPer have resolved issue.

0 Kudos

Ok I will do so. Apologize.