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My custom exit in search help is not triggering

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I am working with the transaction code CAT2 in HR module, Here I need to control the Attendance/ Absence type (AWART) based on the Data Entry Profile (TCATST-VARIANT) and Persanl Number (PERNR).

There is a search help (H_T554S) associated with this field ( AWART ).

I am trying to restrict the values in this search help using the Custom Exit, which I created and Assigned to this search help.

But, I am unable to restrict the values and my Exit is not tringgering while running the transaction CAT2.

can u advice me more on this ...



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Former Member
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Thirupathi, hi

Normally, to implement a search help exit, you create a new function module based on the standard template function module F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE. Implement the coding you need in your new function module and add this function module as the search help exit in the search help.

You do not normally need to use CMOD/SMOD for a search help exit.

For further information check out the SAP library help for search help exits and the documentation for the standard template search help exit function module F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE.

Kind regards


Former Member
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Hi Marks,

Thanks for information.'

I did the same way,which you explained, but it is not triggering...

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi TR,

Have you created the Custome Exit which contain the same parameters as F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE contain?



Former Member
0 Kudos


Yes I created the Custom Exit as same parameters of F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE and assigned to the Search help...


0 Kudos

Hi Thirupathi,

I have exactly the same problem. After debugging 6 hours the code, my conclusion is that there is a bug in SAP standard code.

Here is some documentation about search helps: . There are two types of search help:

- Elementary search helps

- Collective search helps

Furthermore, it says that more than one search help can be assigned to a field. You have the following options for this assignment:

- Attach the search help to a data element

- Attach the search help to a check table

- Attach the search help to a table field

- Attach the search help to a screen field

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Has you exit been activated via SMOD/CMOD.


Rich Heilman

Former Member
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No, I have created and activated in SE37

Former Member
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Then no custom exit will be active.

Please go, Create project-using CMOD then associate the particular assignment.

