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multiple assets intracompany transaction

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i need to transfer a list of asset between 2 company codes. Due to the fact that with the T-Code ABT1N the multiple assets list is inactive i have tried with the worklist process (AR01/AR31).

I have created the worklist with the assets, select as revenue the NBV from GAAP and select the new company code.

When i go to release the worklist with T-Code AR31 i receive the following error message for all the asset:

"Asset Co.Co Intern-0000X-0 is incomplete, check the asset"...Message No. AAPO184.

How can i solve this? I suppose that with the transfer the assets for the new will be automatic created, or i need to create each one before release the worklist?

Thank you


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Luca - this means something is missing with the master data - e.g. a business area, cost center

When you go to AS02 it should tell you what is missing

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Tammy,

thanks for your answer. I have not set anything using AS01/02 T.Code. I have simply created the worklist with AR01 t-code and process it for an intracompany transfer with AR31.

So, i don't know what i need to check with AS02.


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