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MSS Time Recording for Mulitple employees

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

Is it possible for a manager to record time for multiple employees at once using MSS.

We have the MSS Add-on installed but right now the only functionality that I am able to see is that a manager must go into one employee record at a time to record time on their behalf.

We are looking for a way for a manager to go into one time sheet and enter all time for all his direct reports at once.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Sid,

Thank you for much for the information. I found it very useful. I have added value X under Multiple_Profile with ZHRESS_AC_CATS_1.

Is there another step? As I am not seeing alternate data entries profile?

Best Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

did you launch via Se80 and verify and check the settings again? yes you ll get a new switch called select profile on top of the screen can you check your CAC1? you should have profile changeable selected in general settinsg etc? whats your EA HR version 1739604 - Switching between the data entry profiles does not work You can use BAdI: Data Entry Profile Filter (HRESS_CATS_PROFILE_FILTER_ENH) to control the list of profiles that appears to the employee.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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check here HRESS_C_CATS                      COMPONENTCONTROLLER ON_SELECT_PROFILE              /  6,200 *-Checking if data is present or not?   IF  wd_assist->gt_reviewdata IS NOT INITIAL  OR  "if data is changed       lv_has_error EQ 1.                            "if review step caused an error *-Call the data loss pop-up     wd_this->multiple_profile_confirm_popup( ).   ELSE. "Not data changed then perform change profile

Former Member
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can you please tell me upon the below scenario :

1. Client in EHP4

2. Want to implement ESS/MSS

3. They dont want SAP Portal

4. They dont want upgrade also.

i think NWBC is available with ehp5.

Will be really appreciated for any suggestions or supporting documents related.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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0 Kudos

Hi Sid,

Thank you.

I assigned the Target App. Parameter MULTIPLE_PROFILE=X to the Record Working time application under the role MSS Instance: Organization_menu and all the CATS profiles appear....hooray!

I am having a hard time getting my head around the process of where managers go to key time for multiple employees?

-The new MSS home page under team select Org units and Positions Record Working time and if they go here how do the personnel numbers default in or does the manager select them?

-Is there a separate standard delivered i View?

-Somewhere else?

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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in cac1, you can configure to select employees, check first in CAT2 in backend are you getting this, typically we do one employee at a time from the MSS page as indicated in the document, it ll be a service and you can select an employee

0 Kudos

Hi Sid,

I spoke with the business and explained that MSS doesn't come standard delivered with allowing the functionality to key multiple employees time at once.

We talked it out and determined, managers are not time clerks and should not be keying multiple employees time at once, there is too much room for error. So we are going to implement the standard delivered functionality of getting managers to key one employee at at time.

Thanks Sid for you guidance on this one. I will close the thread award points as always!

All the best,


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