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ME59 Error: Net price must be greater than 0

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

The SM59 (Auotmatic creation of PO from PR) transaction is giving error : Net price must be greater than 0.

I have checked corresponding contract it looks fine with the validty periods and net prices...

Pls suggest how this can be resolved....


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Former Member
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For automatic PO creation in ME59N, Inforecord with Prices is mandatory. Check the Inforecord price, it might be maintained 0 price. There maintain correct Price and run the transaction.

Umakanth R

0 Kudos

Hi Umakanth,

The inforecord exist with valid time period n price.

Pls suggest.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Price not picking, so ur getting error.

Error ur getting as "Net Price must be greater than zero". as result of , vendor you are using for auto PO is assigned to schema group of vendor (XK02). Just change the combination like material & vendor and try creating auto PO creation.

The Vendor you are using for auto Purchase Order , Juch check the same vendor ,the Schema group of Vendor is assigned or not? if not assign in t.code: XK02 and enter Vendor, Company code, Purchase organisation and selet purchasing data in purchasing organisation data segment and enter ,now assign Schema group of Vendor in Condition TAB and save.


You have not maintain condition record for the material and vendor.Now Maintain condition record(MEK1) for material and vendor, what material and vendor,you are using in the creation of auto PO &


Biju K

Active Contributor
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For your vendor master record and material combination check Info record exit or not

and check your condition value in info record


Kailas Ugale

0 Kudos

Hi Kailas,

Condition record exists with valid condition value..

Pls suggest


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Are you able to create manually PR to PO with same combination ?.Create manually you will locate the error.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


then check your condition type and acces sequance of that condtion

generally in mm we use acess sequnce 0002

in this ,if you have a valid contion record then system gets value from that condtion record

or valid info record is there then system take value from that info record or from last po number if exit

If all thses condition fullfile then and then only system take value automatically or you have to put manually in po

have you create your own acess sequance or use stander one ?



0 Kudos

Hi Sridar,

Manual creation is possible. (Though I havent created a Po from PR. Just before save i CHECKED for ne errors...n system do not display ne error/ warning msg)


0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I also checked A017 table, and for given vendor, material, purchase org and condition type... there wasnt ne entry in it...

What does this signifies?


Active Contributor
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A017 table has the link from info record to price conditions if the info record is maintained at plant level.

A018 table has the link from info record to price conditions if the info record is maintained at purchasing oganisation level.

But your source is a contract, so I dont believe that SAP checks info record tables, except your requisition has no assignment to the contract.

When you tested it manually, what did you exact do?

0 Kudos

Hi Jurgen,

I tried creating PO manually with ME21n with respect to corresponding PR. Once all the details were auto-populated from reference PR, I did click on 'Check' button to see if there are any error messages, but there were no error messages.

I did not saved the PO.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

what did you do in the very detail? step by step.

did you drag and drop the PR to the basket on top, did you enter any data manually or by clicking?

0 Kudos

Hi Juren,

Yes, I did select PR n dragged n dropped it into shopping cart icon.

The rest details got auto-populated.

Then I clicked on 'Check' and there were no error messages.


0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Also one thing I observed is that, UOM is 'PC' in contract , while in contract Condition its 'EA'.

Can this be an issue?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

this should not be a problem if you have a conversion from PC to EA.

And if it works within ME21N, then it shouldn't be a problem with ME59.

I am still thinking that your ME59 does not even find the contract to get the price information from there.

if you are using User-Exit EXIT_SAPLMEKO_002 then there is a difference in price determination between ME21N and ME59 (read OSS note 456691)

Sap has an analysis report RM06ME59 which helps to check if the PR can be automatically converted to a PO. (details in OSS note 786303).

Please try it, maybe it gives you more info.