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ME47-InforRecord of someitems can't update

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Dear Gurus,

I am dealing with my RFQ.

I maintain 4 items for my Quotation in ME47.I go to the Condition Maintenance screen to input the future Gross Price, then set InfoUpdate indicator as C- Update without plant (if no plant requirement) for each item and hit save.

However, only the price of Item 10 is updated to the Information Record(ME13) successfully, other items fail.

This phenomenon sometimes occurs in our daily RFQ business on our PRD. We search the note ,such as 569885,but we still can’t find the reason.

Hope someone could give me a hand to solve it.

Thanks so much!

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Active Participant
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Hi Harvey,

1. Could you share complete screen shot in full - Info record - Purchasing org - data1

2. Reason due to change in contract price lead to no update in info record - SAP OSS -569885.

3. Kindly go through through SAP Notes 1311127  - Update in info record from PO, Quotation, Contract.

4. Kindly do check any plant is maintained in the quotation.



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I upload the screen shot of Info record - Purchasing org - data1.

Thanks for your advice, and I will check again.

Active Participant
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Dear sir ;

Please check the configuration for that plant how Info record is updated .


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the screenshot attached is the configuration in SPRO on our sytsem.

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Here is right screen shot for the process



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Really nice of you.

In fact, my quotation maintenance in ME47 is just the same as the screenshots you attach.

In my scenario, the system doesn't display any message.

We have even tried to restart the server, but sometimes this situation still occurs.

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Does the update work for the material that failed if you have this material alone in a RFQ?

Or does it even work if you create the same RFQ again?

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I have tried to create new RFQ for the items that failed to update infor record alone.

A part of the items can update sucessfully, the left still fail.

I think the reason should not be related to the master data.

Just strange...

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If it really happens randomly and the update which earlier fails happens in another test without having changed anything in between then you should report it to SAP Support after you made sure that it could not be a side effect of own programs

Former Member
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ok, thanks so much.

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Hi Harvey

I have executed a scenario for you it is updated in the info record without plant requirement. send the me the screen shot of the error.

check below screen shots of my scenario



Active Contributor
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Can you explain what your screenshots have to do with this discussion?

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Hi Juergen,

In standard process it working fine and its updating the info record, need to know where exactly Harvey facing the issue.



Active Contributor
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Your screenshots are about negative stocks, what has this to do with transaction ME47 and an update of quotation prices ?

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oops! sorry i have attached wrong screen shots, thank you for correcting me, i am going to send right screen shots



Active Contributor
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Are you eventually checking the wrong organization level of your info records?

Much better than ME13 is ME1L or ME1M to get an overview across all levels at once if you do not restrict the display to a certain plant, just enter the vendor number and material in the selection screen and execute.

Former Member
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Thanks for your attention.

Yes, I have chcked all the levels, but the Information Record really do not update or create.