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me2dp to be allowed even after 1st or 2nd level of approval

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Dear All,

My client has a requirement where in ME2DP t-code transaction can be executed only when PO is released at all stages , my client has a four stage level approval.

Here the requirement is client should be able to make the down-payment request executed even when the PO is released on first two levels

Please let me know how can this be executed.

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Dear Bhumika,

But I want to make this as t-code specific approval

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As per SAP standard, to make any transaction with reference to PO , PO has to be makred as 'R' - (Released) status .

In your case , if there are four approval rule, please check in your PO release strategy that , after first 2 approval , PO release status is 'R' or not. if status is 'R' then it will allow for further transaction.