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MD04 Rescheduling and Availability check

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The case is following. In MD04 I have Sales order and Purchasing order.

1. Sales order - date is 01.05.2024

Purchasing order - date is 31.08.204. But Rescheduling date is 01.05.2024 (exception 10).

It is clear, since system reschedule Purchase order to cover requirement of Sales order.

2. ATP check (CO09) for Sales order shows availability date 01.05.2024 (based on rescheduling date). 

The problem is that I still need availability date 31.08.2024 (NOT rescheduling date).

>>> So I need to de-activate rescheduling function for the Material. Therefore, in OMDW I have created new Material Group with Rescheduling horizont = 0. Both Tolerance are also = 0. Then I assigned Material group to Material Master. But it does not help, because rescheduling still happens, even for new orders.

Are there any configurations which could help? I do not touch OPPQ for Plant since consider, that MRP Group has higher priority.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


You are mixing up two different features.
The rescheduling check is used by MRP and the MRP related transaction (such as MD04).
The availability check is something completely different than MRP, and it does not consider the rescheduling check settings.


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Hi Caetano,

Right. So to simplify my question. How to switch off rescheduling in MD04 for material, considering that I already configured OMDW?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
If you maintain a rescheduling horizon of 0 in the MRP Group, then the value is taken from the plant. See KBA 3405550.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
You can use BAdIs MD_MRP_PARAMETERS (classic MRP) or PPH_MRP_NETTING_BADI (MRP Live) to influence the MRP parameters
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Perfect! Thanks Caetano. I mainted Horizon as 1 day, so no rescheduling happens now.

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