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Maximum Condition Value Discount is being averaged after Billing

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I'm a SD consultant working on company using 4.6C version. I have an issue with Maximum Condition Value of a discount as follows:

1. User has maintained a 500 IDR discount / KG with Maximum Condition Value of 5.950.000 IDR in Condition Type ZAD2. A conversion of 1 LBG = 50 KG has been set beforehand in Material Master.

2. SO #1 coming in with 405 LBG. The discount is 405 LBG x 50 KG x 500 IDR = 10.125.000 IDR. Since it reached maximumum amount, the discount is set as 5.950.000 IDR.

3. User revised the quantity in SO #1 from 405 LBG to 300 LBG, then to 280 LBG. At this moment, the discount given is 280 LBG x 50 KG x 500 IDR = 7.000.000 IDR. Since it reached maximum amount, the discount is set as 5.950.000 IDR.

4. DO #1 coming in with 160 LBG and has been billed. The discount in Billing #1 is 160 LBG x 50 KG x 500 IDR = 4.000.000 IDR, which is correct.

5. SO #2 coming in with 300 LBG. No discount is given since all of it has been put into SO #1, which is correct.

6. SO #3 coming in with 160 LBG. No discount is given since all of it has been put into SO #2, which is correct.

7. Due to not wanting open Sales Order, User revised the quantity in SO #1 from 280 LBG to 160 LBG (same as Billing qty). Here lies the problem.
If we calculate, the discount given should be 160 LBG x 50 KG x 500 IDR = 4.000.000 IDR, same as discount in Billing #1.
Unfortunately, the discount is set as 3.400.000 IDR which comes from the calculation of 5.950.000 IDR / 280 LBG x 160 LBG.
At this moment, the discount in SO #1 is 3.400.000 IDR, while in Billing #1, the discount is 4.000.000 IDR.

8. User revised the quantity in SO #3 from 160 LBG to 120 LBG. Since maximum discount is 5.950.000 IDR, 3.400.000 IDR has been appplied to SO #1, the discount in SO #3 is 5.950.000 IDR - 3.400.000 IDR = 2.550.000 IDR.

9. SO #3 is made DO and Billing, in which the discount in Billing is 2.550.000 IDR, same as in SO.

At this moment, the total discount in SO is 3.400.000 IDR + 2.550.000 IDR = 5.950.000 IDR, while in Billing, the total discount is 4.000.000 IDR + 2.550.000 IDR = 6.550.000 IDR.

The questions:
1. In point number 7, how the discount is calculated, is it due to the system can't update the price properly in SO #1 because it has been billed already?
2. If it's standard behavior of the system, is there any SAP Notes that can explain about this?

I'm sorry it's a wall of text, it took me 2 days to analyze the changes done by User.

Thank you for your response.


Trisno S.

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