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Is there any way to change the object currency once the activity has been released and PR created?

Former Member
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When converting PR to PO, the error KI299 occurs stating the object currency of NWA is different. However I am unable to change the currency now as it is not editable.

I believe this concept applies here:

"If you have assigned a number of company codes to a controlling area and the company codes have different currencies, you cannot allocate the object currency. The system automatically uses the local currency of the respective company code."

As per the above statement, currency under company code is the one that needs to be assigned to the activity on creation. However, in my case the object currency has been incorrectly populated under network activity.

For exmple the currency under company code is CNY and the object currency under NWA is EUR.

Is there any way to change the object currency once the activity has been released and PR created?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Object Currency of a network activity comes from the plant assigned to the NWA. The plant is assigned to a company code which sets the currency.

Change the plant to one that belongs to the correct company code. If actual costs have posted you will not be able to change it.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Thank you! 🙂