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Inspection points not getting created in some instances

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We have a custom program in which we are performing the below steps.

1) Create inspection lot and assign operations to it

2) Link physical sample to inspection lot

3) create inspection points (which are used in QE51N)

In some instances users have noticed when they do QE51N that the inspection point with physical sample details are not set up for one of the operations (it is the first operation always in the list) and in some instances even when there is a single operation it does not show up in QE51N.

We are using BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULTS and BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT immediately to commit the inspection point to DB and we have also given a wait of 2 secs after the commit.

Has anyone experiences this random issue anytime before?

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Check in the operation header that the "Field key" under the "User-Specific Fields" section and make sure no field key is specified.

If you expect to use the physical sample number for the inspection point identifier and a field key got specified it could cause an issue.

Former Member
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Craig - Are you talking about user fields in QAPP for inspection points? We are using physical sample for the inspection point identifier but none of the user fields are being used.

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Yes.. there is a field key in the operation header.
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Are you naming all of your inspection points differently?

If you look at table QAPP there is a field called PPSORTKEY. You can see this is a combination of all the user fields for your inspection point. If two inspection points were named the same, and the system created them at the same time stamp, then it would be a duplicate key and won't appear in QE51N.

Former Member
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Hi Sara - Yes the inspection points have a unique number and we have a 2 sec wait after the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT so they are not even created together the created time shows a 2 sec difference between each.