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Idocs sent to matmas006 with MSGFN set to 009 modify fields not in the idoc

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we have an issue concerning an interface to SAP for Masterdata Creation / update

we send idocs to SAP MATMAS006 , we use always the status MSGFN set to 009 ( Creation )

when sent a certain list of Masterdata field in the idoc ,

- it updates the fields sent in the idocs

+ what we dont want : it updates fields not in the idocs at the same level in SAP and it set them to EMPTY

we dont understand this behaviour , does anybody know the solution ?


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we are using S/4HANA PRIVATE CLOUD

yes we are using MATMAS006

we are updating in the idocs certain fields on MARA / MARAM

so if understand , in the solution we are using we have no other choice to list the fields we dont want to update and put a / in the idocs

if we want to update only certain fields in the IDOCS without naming all the fields , we should use a Zsegment / Zidocs


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello thibaultrdf

Are you using S/4HANA Public Cloud or S/4HANA ( OP or Private ) ?

In our internal S/4HANA Cloud system the Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0009 using MATMAS basic type MATMAS05 and you mentioned MATMAS006

My understanding is fields not included are initialised in the standard and using the nodata symbol is the way to prevent this as well as using another MATMAS Type 01 , 02 03 or creating a reduced message type but this only applies in S/4HANA or private cloud .

For S/4HANA Cloud i would recommend to use the API's / SOAP Services mentioned in the online documentation

below instead

Best Regards


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hello Enda

thank you very much for the quick answer

this solution we wanted to avoid first

because in this case , we should put exaustive list of fields we dont want to update ,

we found 5 fields but who knows we will discover new fields updated that we dont want

how comes that fields not in the idocs are updated ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello thibaultrdf

In the MATMAS idoc , please include the fields you don't want changed and use the '/' nodata value

That way in the receiving system the field should not be overwritten

Best Regards
