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How to track transit loss in inventory management related to material

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Hi Friends ,

I am working on one of the IS-Chemical implementation , in IS-Chemical there is no solution for tracking for material transit loss . Here raw material like methnol and some oil product will loss during transit . How to post or maintain this loss in SAP for perticular materaial or product . Please if any one knew or worked on same envirenment please give solution .



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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You will have to GR complete stock in because you have to pay the suppiler (unless supplier does not charge you for this loss.).

1. Then, you can scrap out the lost quantity. When you scrap, you can create a customized "reason for scrapping" and enter it in the posting document. You can go back into reports for checking how much you scrapped, and for what reason.

2. you can GR good stock into unrestricted use. Then you can GR lost quantity into scrap directly from the PO. This may require customization of new movement type.

Hope this helps.

0 Kudos

Hi ,

Here the case is total amount should remains same and but quantity will change , Is it this case is possible through scarp posting .



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Generally the transit loss or evoproation loss can be handled in two ways based on where it happens. Its also called virtual loss or gain.

1. In case when you receive materials from vendor, at the time of receipt if you find the transit loss you can straightaway reduce the quantity when you raise GR after confirming with vendor by that you can avoid this loss.

2. Other kind of loss like spillage or evoporation loss or pipe line transit loss with in the plant, needs to be attacked by means of perpectual physical inventory verification. This will provide you the loss or gain. Create physical inventory document, do the count, post the difference. This might require management approval.

Each and every chemical by its property will have evoporation and transit loss tolerance. This can support you to get approval from management.

Best Regards..

Former Member
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In this case you have to either receive the materials at source or destination

from there only u can scrap the material.

It is advised to to return back to the source storage location so that either u can return it back to vendor or scrap it.

this is what i follow, and it would help.

Better ask the management to tell you what accounting impact they would like to see , after tracking the responsible person for the loss.

Active Contributor
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do you get this material from vendor or with intercompany stock transport orders?

You you have to pay for the entire quantity or can you reduce payment for the loss?

0 Kudos

Hi , Material from vendor and also storage location stock transfer .

