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how to set approval to block Sales Order for customers with past due

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how to set approval to block Sales Order for customers with past due

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Former Member
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Block and approval is not equivalent. If you want to block, you need SP. If you need approval a user query approval template is needed. There are quite a few discuss about the same issue can be found on the forum.



Active Contributor
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I did not find any answers on the links you gave.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi John,

Create FMS on required field and create approval stage and approval template (inset FMS in this template).

Whenever any entry,the document approval will sent to app-rover (Need to assign in approval stage).

Hope you understand.

Thanks & Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi John

I would prefer to create 3 UDFs in business partner data (OCRD table), i.e.

1. Over credit limit (yes / no option)

2. Deviation from credit limit

3. Total balance (ocrd.balance + ocrd.dnotesbal + ocrd.ordersbal)

you need to assigned formatted search (FMS) to the UDFs above so that it really gives full info about the customer A/R and credit limit.

The 2nd is creating 2 UDFs in marketing document where one of them is similar with no. 1. and other is created in the row. If in the first UDF is No., but in the row is yes because new sales order will possible increase the total balance that made it exceeds credit limit, it means the user can't add the sales order and need approval for that.

The UDFs in the marketing document also requires FMS. Let me know if you need it.

Hope Helpful

