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How to restrict changes to the Destination Material when using a 313 movement in MIGO

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Hello Experts,

I have a scenario where users can change the Destination Material number when doing a 313  'Transfer Posting' movement in MIGO.  How can I restrict this from being allowed?  I have attached a screenshot of the material document that was generated as a result of this movement.  Note that the "From Material" is 046692-1 and the "Destination Material" is 046692-0

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in which release are you? at 4.7 times there was a bug related to fields open for entry and this was fixed with note 577276 - MIGO_GI: Fields for stock transfer ready for input

If you are in a higher release, then this bug may be back eventually caused as a side effect by any other change, and you should open a ticket at SAP Support.

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Hi Jurgen,

Thankyou for providing this note. Actually will this note be applicable for movemnet type 411 as the destination field is open. This movement type can also be used for stock adjustment. Can you plz help me in this?

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How is your setting field UMMAT in IMG > Materials Management > Inventory Management and Physical Inventory > Settings for Enjoy Transactions > Settings for Goods Movements (MIGO) > Field Selection per Mvt type

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For movement type 311 field UNMAT is not defined in this config in our system.

For movement type 313 field UNMAT is not defined in this config in our system.

For movement type 411 field UNMAT is optional. But it is true that this 411 is used for consignment and for stock adjustment? Or we can make it required?

For 411 the field is optional that means?



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Not defined means "invisible" which is actually executed as  display only to give the user the information what he is doing, so you should delete the entry to get the desired result,

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Hi Jurgen.

We are using ECC 6.0

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Check your customizing for field UMMAT as described above, remove it, test again. If that does not help, open a ticket.

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As you can see in my attachment, UMMAT does not appear as an option for modification.

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You can see my screen shot, system is not allowing me to change the destination material. My system is ECC 6.0. You should raise an OSS ticket to SAP.

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Hi Jurgen,

How our system behaves: Please find below cases.

For movement type 311: UNMAT field is invisible in config. But Destination material is display field in MIGO transfer. Screen shots attached for your reference.

For movement type 313: UNMAT field is invisible in config. But Destination material is an input field in MIGO transfer.

For movement type 411: UNMAT field is optional in config. But Destination material is an input field in MIGO transfer.

Kindly help me..

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how is it in MB1B?

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Beside of the above mentioned OSS note 577276  there is a second note fixing an error in 4.7 release: 563423 - MIGO: Field selection for stock transfer fields

Both notes give the confidence that your system does not work as desired, hence you should contact SAP Support.

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Are you sure that it is movement type 313 ?

I've tried in my system (without any change), my system is not allowing me to change the destination material (even description) in MIGO.

You can see in the above screen shot, the destination portion is display mode. It becomes edit mode when I am using movement type 309.

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It is definitely a 313 movement.  And it does allow us to change the data in the destination field.

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Read your post need to advice you on this. We were having the same problem while using 313 movement type users were changing the destination material field and we repetedly told them not to do but it is of no use. So we finally decided to use 311 instead of 313, in 311 we cannot change the destination material/ text and now our problem is fixed. Now users cannot use 313 it is blocked for use.

For 313 material code is supressed(Filed selection) but not description. Hence we have opt for 311.

Try at your end.

Please let us know if in case any query.



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What about field selection and making the to-material number display only?

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Hi Jurgen,

Thank you for your reply.  I've noted your expertise on several other posts and was hoping you would see this.  In this scenario, the Material number is actually greyed out but the Description field is not and if a user changes the description than subsequently the material number will change to match with the description field.