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How to put control lot in a plant?


Hello All,

We have a problem on the plates below. During transaction QA33, division mismatch:Reception on plant 3030 and Batch of ctrl generated on plant 3020.This therefore prevents the release of plaques in SAP. Kindly help me on how to put the control lot to plant 3030.

Please guide me through any documentation if necessary!

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I dont have the authority to use the transaction MSC1N. Is there any other way to assign the control lot to plant 3030 using REP_id in the PE1 server itself?

Kindly help as it is urgent!

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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1. First, you need to identify the root cause of the issue. You can do this by reviewing the material documents and checking the source of the control lot.

2. Once you have identified the source of the control lot, you will need to reverse the transaction and reapply the control lot to the correct plant.

3. You will then need to update the relevant material document to reflect the correct plant.

4. Once this is done, you can then release the plaques in SAP.

For more detailed information, please refer to the SAP Help Documentation on Material Documents and Reversal of Material Documents.

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My question was on how to reapply the control lot to the correct plant ?