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How to create activity to a service call through DI API

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Dear Experts,

I am trying to add an activity to an existing service call through DI API using the service Call object, sometimes it is added successfully and sometimes I got the following error message:

SBO Error: -1013 : Invalid valid value " in Enum 'BoAddressType', the valid values are 'S', 'B'

as in the following attachment


I am using SAP B1 9.2 PL06

Thanks for your help

Samer Shuqair

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Could you share your code?

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Active Contributor
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Hi Shuqair,

What value you provide or do you have on the property AddressType from ServiceCall object when you receive this error?

Check if you provide/have BoAddressType.bo_BillTo or BoAddressType.bo_ShipTo on this property, if yes, I suggest you to open a ticket support to SAP.

Hope it helps.

Kind Regards,

Diego Lother