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How to configure a pop up message when a mandatory filed is missing in CMR

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Can anyone help with he process of configuring mandatory field in customer master with a pop up message indicating he missing filed name.



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sheela,

As a standard SAP practice, if any Mandatory field is missing, system throws an error message and will not allow to go further.

So I believe, you do NOT any pop-up message to let user know that he's missing some fields.

Revert back if any further doubt.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anup,

I made "Dataline"(CMR>address tab) field a required entry from OVT0 t-code. But if i miss the field while creating any customer it just throws a error message on the status bar saying"fill in the reqdfields" with cursor blinking .

But user has requested that she needs apop up message during its creation specifying the missing field name.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sheela,

Though you made 'Dataline' field as mandatory, system will throw an error message and will put MOUSE CURSOR on that missing field. So ultimately user would come to know that a particular field is missing.

And in SAP there would be lots of mandatory fields and it's really not feasible to put pop-up messages for such requirements and that too in transactions like CMR.

Tell user that system will automatically put MOUSE CURSOR on a particular mandatory field anytime anybody misses to maintain it. As a SAP consultant, your job is to convince the user with such standard functions.

If at all you want to put pop-up message for it, then you need to go for User Exit development.

Revert back if any further issue.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sheela,

Any update on this thread... Did you managed to convince the user or not ?

Let us know if any further help required in this case.

