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How to add a CRLF at the end of each tag in a SEPA_CT xml file generated using DMEE

0 Kudos

Hi experts,

We have a problem when we send to the Bank an SEPA_CT file, the Bank reject the file because has no CRLF at the end of each tag. It happend only with our Bank in Portugal.

European Payment Council (EPC) recomends to use CRLF at the end of each tag, it's not mandatory but Banks can reject the file if this format is missing.

I would like to know if someome has the same problem and how it has been solved.

Our file has been created using DMEE transactions and it's an XML tree file, I've reviewed Administrative data and it's marked XML Tree.

Also I've reviewed OBPM3 and format it's defined as XML.

Thanks in advance,

Pedro Serrano.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Take TRF node and copy it to the place where CRLF is needed.

Replace value from Constant field to CRLF symbols.

0 Kudos

Sorry Grigoriy but I can's open the image and I don't understand the action to do into DMEE TX.

Thanks ins advance.

Pedro Serrano

0 Kudos

Hello Grigoriy,

Thanks a lot, I'm going to test it.

Kind regards,

Pedro Serrano.

0 Kudos

Hi Grigory

I've been out of the office until today, now I'm working again on this theme, I have one question, I'ts necessary to copy also Contidions tab of TRF?

Kind regads,

Pedro Serrano.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Pedro,

It's totaly up to you. Whether you need those conditions.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Finally I have found a solution to add an CR/LF at the end of each tag in the XML file with SEPA_CT format.

Thanks for your help and comments.

This is the solution that I have implement to correct it.

It’s based on 2 SAP notes:

1671535 - DMEE XML file with CR after each end day (provides you information regarding the source code you should implement in the exit to insert the Line Breaks in your XML format file).
965723 - PMW: use of exits (transaction OBPM3)

It’s necessary to implement an Exit for Event 41 and there are also 2 user exit points for Event 41 (only one of this option):
- DMEE transaction selecting Tree SEPA_CT in the trailler note.
- OBPM3 transaction adding an entry for Event 41.

If you use the trailler exit in the DMEE file, the FM should be a copy of DMEE_EXIT_SEPA_41 or FM DMEE_EXIT_SEPA_COUNTRIES.

If you use the exit from transaction OBPM3, the FM used should be a copy of FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_41.

I’ve used the option of OBPM3.

1.- Implement the transformation, using STRANS transformation (see 1671535 Note to implement the source code).

2.- Implement a function module, a copy of FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_41 see 1671535 Note to implement the source code).

3.- Registrer in OBPM3 the Event 41 with the new function module.

I hope it will be usefull for someone.

Kind regards,

Pedro Serrano.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pedro,

Please make sure you have code page as 4110 (Unicode UTF-8) under download settings for your format in transaction OBPM3.



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Hi Jayesh,

Thanks for your answer, I've cheked it and I have 4110 codepage.

Kind regads,

Pedro Serrano.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Some time ago, we needed to enter 'space' character in DMEE - so we have used ASCII code "%20" to do so.

Try ASCII or Unicode to enter CRLF in your DMEE: CRLF.

0 Kudos

Hello Grigoriy,

I don't know how to add the CRLF into the DMEE, please can you give me an example or tell me the place where I must do it?

Kind regards,

Pedro Serrano.