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How Time Data in ESS/MSS will be transferred to SAP R/3

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Hello  my client wants to use ESS/MSS,they want to use ESS/MSS to enter absences, attendance types, compensatory off and leave encashment.Once Manager approves(for leave encashment, approval is not required)  Leave with Approval Our client is having  absence types and client want their employees to book absence types in ESS, then absence  type will go for approval to Manager, Once Manager approves, it will be automatically updated in Absences Infotype (IT 2001)  Attendance Types with approval Our client is having attendance types and client want their employees to book attendance types in ESS, then attendance type will go for approval to Manager, Once Manager approves, it will be automatically updated in Attendance Infotype (IT 2002)  Leave Encashment without Approval Employee Logs into ESS, he/she creates encashment record and submit. Incase if there is no minimum eligible quota available, system rejects leave encashment record. If there is eligible quota, IT 0416 will be created.   Compensatory Off in ESS/MSS with approval If an employee work on National Holiday /work continuously for 7 days in a stretch, he/she is eligible for 1 day compensatory off, he/she can use it within 3 days(national holiday) /3 months( 7 days in one stretch),if he/she do not use, it will be encashed at the year end.  Employee Logs into ESS, he/she creates comp off attendance on National Holiday/Sunday, it will go for approval, If Manager approves,  Attendance Infotype (IT 2002) should be updated and also Absence Quota (IT 2006) should be updated  with 1 day quota.   I have few queries in this regard.  1.     How attendances/absences/compensatory offs/leave encashment, will be transferred to respective Infotypes in SAP R/3 2.     What are the configurations settings need to be done in ESS/MSS Point of view? 3.     I am filling the gaps using FRICE (Forms, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Work Flow and Enhancements). Is there any GAP between client requirement and SAP? What is the gap resolution? 4.     Do I need to talk to ABAPer/work flow consultant for any enhancement/interface/workflow? 5.     Most important questions is, what is gap and what is the gap resolution? 6.     Should I tell the client that,  It is standard SAP or there is a gap (any development is required in the view of interfaces, Enhancements and Workflow?)   Earliest reply is appreciated  With regards SAP HR Professional

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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for absences use :Leave request, and it udpates using rptarqpost report to It2001

Attendances use Time sheet, It updates 2002, using CAT6 or report name rptextpt,

These reports are scheduled as background jobs

Customisaiton Time sheet, check in CAC1/CAC2

For leave request, go through PTARQ

Most of it you seek is available as standard services, I don't think you  ll require mod, as your requiremnets is pretty standard

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HI Siddarth,

Thank you so much.For some of employee groups,no approval is required.I mean if an employe submits leave request,it should directly store in IT 2001.Just want to know ,any BADI or custom workflow is required to fix this issue?

Awaiting reply.

With regards

SAP HR Professional

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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for this create a different rule group and for those rule group and absences in table V_t554s_web you can have no approval required, but posting report rptarqpost anyhow should be scheduled.

Check the feature Webmo in pe03 and read about it

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Just check table V_T554S_WEB as said by Siddartha, you don't need to change in badi for this & for any validations in leaves or leave combination restrictions you need badi.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Hi ,

First of all you need to setup some settings in CATS,

1) Set up / configure one cats profile by using CAC1.

2) Maintain user paramenters in SU01 or SU3,  CVR = <Profile name>

3)Maintain master data IT105 and subtypes are sap user id and email.

4)maintain the employee and manager relations in PO13.

5) Do all configuration ESS settings (iviews, icons...)

6)if the employee book the time sheets / travel expenses in ESS, that entries goes to manager's inbox (notifications)- for this you need to check workflow consultant.

7)if the manager rejects the time entries / expenses -that notification will be triggered into employee inbox.

Manager needs to mention the reason why the time sheets are rejecting..



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Hope following link will provide usefull information to your requirment,



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Hello Prabhu,

Thank you so much for sharing link.It would be good if you share your knowledge specific to my queries.

Let us see what other sap hr experts say about this.

With regards

SAP HR Professional

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Through CATS iView, most of the functionality comes in Standard, u better check one CATS profile configuration and all settings, there you would get all your questions answered.

CAC1 is the t code.

Based on the settings, you can control behaviour of the time sheets.

Cat6 is the transaction we use to update SAP R/3 from CATS DB.

Many of the times, CAT6 transaction is back ground scheduled, so it transfer the time as per your job schedule.

warm regards!


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Hello Kanuku,

Thank you so much for your reply.Let me a await a reply from other sap hr memebers.

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SAP will provided all standard flow for updating ESS data in R/3, work flows, badi's will help for reaching the data from ess to r3,

let's check with your client configuration then you can find out the flow,

for each applications like  Leave apply, attendance regularization etc require Approval process & this required a work flow & means for each approval process you required to design Work Flow,

Data will be updated in r/3 specific info types using standard / some times custom badi's, you can check the same. 

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Hi Kedhar,

Thank you so much for the reply.I would further explore more and let us await for other members reply.

with regards

SAP HR Professional