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how customize create an automatic Business Partner type person from HR Person.

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Dear Support

I would like to customize the creation an automatic Business Partner type person as save the creation of an HR Person.

I have done the customization: 

I have got the information from link:


Customizing activities to enable automatic employee/organizational units integration with BP is described bellow:

Step 1: IMG–> Personnel Management –> Organizational management –> Integration –> Integration with SAP Business Partner –> Activate integration




Step 2: IMG –> Organizational management –> Integration –> Integration with SAP Business Partner –> Data synchronization: Organizational units – Activate Business Partners

1. HRALX – OADBP = No value

2. HRALX – OADRE  =  X

3. HRALX – OBWIG = No value

4. HRALX – ONUMB = 3

  • ‘3’ – BP in organizational unit role will get a ID of BP same as a ID of organizational unit. An individual number range interval must have been created with external number assignment. At the same time, you must also create a business partner grouping of the same name. This setup is related with next one HRALX-OSUBG. You need to create separate number range in tcode BUCF and assign it in parameter HRALX-OSUBG.

5. HRALX – OSUBG is used to choose a number range for a BP from HR, internal or external. In my example parameter HRALX – ONUMB is set to 1 (one number range for all, internal)

and in parameter HRALX-OSUBG I use number range Z1  From 00000000000 to zzzzzzzzzzzz

Step 3: IMG–> Personnel Management –> Organizational management –> Integration –> Integration with SAP Business Partner –> Data synchronization: Persons – Activate Business Partners

1. HRALX – PCATS = No value

2. HRALX – PINAC  = No value

3. HRALX – PNUMB = 3

  • ‘3’ – BP in employee role will get a ID of BP same as a ID of employee. An individual number range interval must have been created with external number assignment. At the same time, you must also create a business partner grouping of the same name. This setup is related with next one HRALX-PSUBG.

4. HRALX – PQUAL = No value

  • No value – qualifications are not part of integration between HR and BP.

5. HRALX – PSUBG = Z1 is used to choose a number range for a BP from HR, internal or external.

Step 4: IMG–> Personnel Management –> Organizational management –> Integration –> Integration with SAP Business Partner –> Activate logging/Error Analysis for data synchronization


  • ‘X’ – all info about errors are stored in appropriate iDoc and iDoc is in status incorrect.

2. HRALX – MSGRE = 0

  • ‘0’ – without forkflow and error workflow document for administrator.

I tried to create an HR person , but BP not created.

Can  you help me how to complete the process ?

Best Regards 

Judith O.




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