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Handling unit Transfer from External System to Delivery

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Hi SAP Guru's

Here Our plant and Storage Locations are WM Managed. So when the outbound delivery gets created then Transfer orders gets created for picking and these Transfer orders will get distributed to External System(WMS ATLAS) through IDOC(WMTORD). So Confirmation of Transfer order gets from External System through IDOC(WMTOCO). So packing is done in SAP through Scanners or VL02N Transaction. But my requirement is HU's Creation and Packing should get created in External system and this functionality is already available in External system . These HU's and Packing information also should come from External system to SAP outbound delivery. So can you please suggest how to proceed with this and there are any Standard IDOC Types and Message types to achieve this??

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello varma86

You can use WHSCON IDoc to add handling units (packing information) to outbound deliveries. Refer to SAP Help Delivery Interface on the details of WHSCON structure and supported scenarios. Packing is one of them.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

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Hi Dominik,

Thank you for your Reply, But my External system is Non-SAP WMS system So this WHSCON Idoc works ?? because it is showing as Inbound ALE, as per my knowledge ALE is SAP to SAP System.

Best Regards,


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Hello Aditya Varma

Outbound DESADV is to send outbound deliveries from SAP. Inbound DESADV is to receive inbound delivery (advanced shipping notification) to SAP.

Inbound DESADV doesn't allow to maintain outbound delivery. You need to use WHSCON or SHPCON to do that. In your case, go with WHSCON.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

Ok Fine Thank you Dominik for you Guidance

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Hello varma86

You can definitely use WHSCON with external WMS systems - been there, done that.

ALE is not only for SAP-to-SAP system integration. You can send an IDoc from an external system as well. There are numerous ways to do that:

  1. You can send an IDoc as XML payload to /sap/bc/idoc_xml endpoint
  2. You can send an IDoc as SOAP payload to /sap/bc/srt/idoc ednpoint
  3. You can put an IDoc into a text file and write an ABAP report to read it and get processed
  4. You can use a middleware e.g. SAP Business Connector, SAP PI/PO, SAP Cloud Integration, MS Biztalk, Mulesoft to map data from an external system and send it to SAP.

It all depends on your particular integration scenario and capabilities of an external system.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

Hi Dominik,

Thanks for your Reply. Means for WHSCON Idoc i can add the E1EDL37(Handling Unit Header) and E1EDL44(Handling unit item) and start using this IDOC to Transfer HU and Packing of Hu's from External system to the outbound delivery??.



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varma86That's right. Take your time to read the SAP Help page I've pointed to. It lays out the details on how to use WHSCON.Up vote and accept answers as a token of appraciation.
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Hi Dominik,

Thank you for your Guidance . One last question i.e. i can use DESADV/DELVRY07 also for transferring HU and HU packing info to SAP Outbound Delivery from external system??