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Group Reporting - Balance Carryforward problem

0 Kudos

Hello Dears,

I'm facing a problem with my first consolidation with Group Reporting.

When I run the task: Balance Carryforward the data from previous year don't populate the table ACDOCU.

What checks should I do to verify why my data doesn't come from previous year to actual year (first period) ?

Some extra info:

- The system S4/Hana started 07/2021 (1° period - the fiscal year start at july in this client).

- The data from previous year was inputed by flat-file, I verified all G/L Accounts and we've data from previous year.

Best Regard,

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Yannick,

I hope you are checking the carry forwarded data on period 000.2022 and not 001.2022 (in ACDOCU table).


Karan Kothari

0 Kudos

Dear Karan,

I checked the data on period 000.2022 in ACDOCU table and I didn't find any data in this period.

Verifying the SG1 script I find out that I need before execute de first consolidation I need to execute the end year consolidation.

But I'm face other problem:

To finish the end year consolidaton after execute all task I need to block each task.

But When I try to block the task Currency Translation I face a problem, my local and consolidation currency are the same - so when I I try to execute the task I give no results and to block this task I need to execute with sucess.

I have no clue how to solve this problem.

And when I try to do my first consolidation the task currency translation its not obligate to run - I dont know why in the last year consolidation I'm obligate to run this taskk.

Do you have any idea what I should do to solve this problem?