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Greyed out fields to be enabled in delivery schedule tab of ME21N & ME22N

0 Kudos

Hi Gurus,

I need to make two fields in PO create and change tcode, to be made editable as they are greyed out for particular document type and item category combination. Please refer screenshots below:

Standard Order:

Framework Order:

I tried settings in 'Define Screen Layout at Document Level' for that field selection as well as in Edit system settings at the item detail level...but still the fields are in disabled mode only. Any help in this regard??

Thanks in advance...

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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   The blanket PO's are used when the quantities / delivery dates are unknown / uncertain and there is no GR done for the item. Because of this reason, you cant enter delivery schedule for a blanket PO - which in turn makes all the fields in delivery schedule tab greyed out in the PO, when the item category is B. As of my knowledge, there is no configuration option to control this. But please note that the requisition field will be free for entry at item level.

   If you want to schedule the delivery dates, then you may go ahead with scheduling agreement.

You may refer the thread: Blanket PO | SCN



0 Kudos


Thanks for replying. Your solution was helpful if there is no payment history available. But for POs which had payment history, the PR and item fields are greyed out at item level as well. Any solution for this??



Active Contributor
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   As of my knowledge, there is no other option to enter the PR number in standard.

   If you want to create delivery schedule based on PR, you may go for outline agreements! Please check the option.



Former Member
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Hello Pramod,

As AKPT has pointed out, FO type documents are used for a broad framework type scenario, where most of the details are unknown at the time of releasing the PO.

The system by default allows standard, limit (B) and service (D) for such POs.

If you are trying to change the item category during creation (and not after the PO has history) please look at this IMG -> MM -> Purchasing -> Define Doc types -> Framework order FO -> Allowed Item categories.

I don't think delivery schedules are allowed for FO type orders.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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Some fields are depend on item category.

These fields are also grayed out because you are using item category B.

By the way, you can find these fields in editable mode in item level.

Former Member
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have you checked the proper field selection for document type because there may be separate field selection for different PO document type . as below then try to change for this field selection in document layout.

