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Fixed Asset Depreciation - RAPOST2000

0 Kudos

Afer reviewing the spool output of RAPOST200 shows amounts in column "Amount TBP", but zero amounts in "Amt Posted". When I review the job log, a FI document was created and posted. Is there an additoinal step that is required in Fixed asset account to move the depreciation from the "to be posted" columen to the "posted" column, even though FI-General ledger was updated.

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Former Member
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Don't worry about that. The posted depreciation is always shown in the column 'Amount TBP'. That is a standard behaviour. Actually, even if you see in the table ANLP where depreciation periodic values are stored, the SAP system categorizes the posted depreciation as ' Ordinary depreciation to be posted' (ANLP-NAFAZ).


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Brain,

I hope you are running the depreciation test run/ update run for the 01 period in the SAP system for an year.

Column amount TBP is an amount, which is going to be posted during this dep run.----say 1

Column amount posted means an amount, which is already posted before this dep run.---say 2

Sum of the above two column's values is always same as value of column Cum value---

And value in the column plan amount will be the amount, which is planned for that asset to the curr FY.

Note: If you run the dep run for the 02 period, you will see the value (1) in the column (2)

hope this will clear your confusion.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

i am assuming you are on 6.0. NO additional step is required to post depreciation in 6.0 in prior versions you need to run SM35. Did you make sure you unchecked the test run?. Try running for the next period in test run and see if the system allows you to post there, just to check if depreciation ran in this period. Make sure your assets have useful life and value to depreciate. Check on list assets and see if you can see depreciation for one asset, if you cant see there but you do in the asset master, then its some config issue but if you dont see in both, then its a data issue

