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Find API based interfaces in a SAP system in question

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We would like to know all APIs (based interfaces) from our SAP system, it may be either Inbound or Outbound but we want to know how many API Interfaces' are existing in our system and their names, pls. let us know how to figure it out?


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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RFC-enabled function modules (RFMs) can be listed either using the F4-button in SE37, or by executing function module RFC_FUNCTION_SEARCH.

If your system is using UCON, however, then not all these FMs are callable from the outside. A standard ERP system contains about 38000 RFMs, but depending on which applications are actually used by your company, only a few hundred of them are needed. In order to reduce the security risk of remotely callable APIs that are not needed for production, SAP provides the UCON framework. It allows remote execution only of those few hundred FMs that are needed, and blocks incoming calls of the rest.

If UCON has been activated in your system, you can see the list of all allowed FMs as follows:

  • Go to transaction UCONCOCKPIT --> Navigate to Extended Selection
  • Mark the three radio buttons "All Function Modules", "RFMs Assigned to Default CA" and "All Phases"
  • Click the "Execute Selection" button
0 Kudos

Thank you for your response, we are looking for RFC-enabled function modules pls.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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