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Error while creating automatic reservation for deleted material

0 Kudos

Dear All,

I have set the deletion flag for Material at client level in MM06. But, even after setting this flag Manual reservation in MB21 is allowed with the warning message. So, I have to change the message class setting to ERROR in configuration. This way manual reservation is blocked.

When I am adding the deleted material in Project or service order, it allows me to add the material with information message as ....Material 10600274 is marked for deletion (check)…Message No. CN709.

I don't find any std way to make this message as an error in configuration. I have also check Material Status option. But, no luck with that also.

Kindly suggest me to make this message as an error or if there is an alternate way to prevent the user from adding the deleted material in project/order.


Atul Rajmane

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos


As of my knowledge, the message is hard coded information message there is no option in standard to achieve the requirement - you may check the feasibility of development.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Why don't you use material status to restrict the usage of a material?