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Edit personal information

0 Kudos

Dear Gurus,

We have an requirement in ESS that Employee can edit there information related to Education then it will go to the concerned  HR and after approval  this will save in Education info type.

Please suggest .



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Yes. This is possible by using the Worflow mode parameter

Please read here:

Application Parameters - Business Package for Employee Self-Service (WDA) 1.50 - SAP Library


Use this parameter to restrict updating of specific infotype and subtype’s records, based on the Specify Use Case and Active Subtypes view (V_T7XSSPERSUBTY) settings or the BAdI: Active Subtype Determination and Settings(HRXSS_PER_SUBTYPE) Business Add-In (BAdI) implementation.

The user can update personal information using HR Forms and Processes. The Create button is not available for subtypes marked as Read-only in the view or BAdI settings, and the existing records for these subtypes cannot be changed.

If you set this parameter, the Request Profile Data Update button is visible on the application’s overview page. Choosing this button launches the process group in the application parameter, PROCESS_GROUP, of HR Forms and Processes.

Valid values:

  • X = Restrict update
  • <SPACE> = Do not restrict update


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Former Member
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Hi Saswati,

This is not a standard SAP application may be you can go for customization where in you can create a custom application where it would trigger a workflow and after the approval it sits in 0022 infotype.Add the custom application to the ESS role in LPD_CUST transaction.

The other option would this 0022 infotype can be added to Personnel profile application and then again workflow needs to be triggered which again is bit complex here.

Hope this gives you an option to proceed further.


Mithun K

0 Kudos

Dear Mithun,

Can you please let me how I can enable the 0022 for employee in ESS.

Former Member
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Dear Saswati,

There is no such standard service for education and approval.Please create a custom application for the same and add it to the ESS role in LPD_CUST transaction.

If you want to add it to the Personnel profile application please check the below link,

Introducing a New Infotype - Business Package for Employee Self-Service (WDA) 1.50 - SAP Library

Hope this clears your doubt.


Mithun K