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Doubt on Group Condition with Scales

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Hello, I want to  know the output of using Group Condition check box in Condition type along with SCALES maintained for it.

Ex:- I maintained Scales as  


qty        Amount

1-10       100 usd

11-50      105 usd

51-150     110 usd.

If my total line item quantity in PO is 120. How the discount will be distributed. Kindly help as early as possible.

Thanks in advance

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Dear Experts, please help me as soon as possible on how to map the group condition along with scales for the above said scenario.

Thanks in advance

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you need to maintain routine which describe how the grouping is done. check routine 3 to get an idea

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       Discount distribution using Group Condition Routine is different than using without Group Condition Routine .

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Group condition indicator in condition type and scales impacts the PO in following way:

E.g. You create a PO with vendor ABC for two materials X and Y with quantity 50 and 150 respectively, these materials belong to same material group PQR. You set the group condition indicator for condition type RB00(absolute discount), also you create an info record for material group PQR and vendor ABC for plant 123 and maintain the condition record as gross price $100 per quantity with discount (RB00)scales as below

From     Discount

100          $1

200          $2

300          $3

Line item 1 cannot avail discount since the quantity 50 is less than 100 whereas line item 2 can avail discount $1 since 150 is greater than 100, but the total quantity of PO is 200 and these two items belongs to same material group PQR hence it is entitled to avail discount of $2.

With group condition indicator and scales the system will cumulate the quantities in PO belonging to same material group and accordingly apply the scales to it.



Former Member
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Hi Saket,

    As you have explained in detail. I have a doubt on Whether info record should be maintained for

   NON STOCK items.(you said info record for material group and vendor). i.e table number 25 or 28 rather than table number 17 & 18.(info record for materials i.e stock materials).

Help as early as possible.

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No need to maintain info record for non stock items, just create info record at material group level with scales.


Former Member
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Hi saket,

     I maintained info record at material group level as u said . I mapped your example in sap.

   But i did not get $2 discount for 200 quantity. I got only $1 discount for 150 qty. No discount for

  50 qty. This seems to be only scales are active. Group condition for the RB00 condition is not functioning.

Once check in your system the same scenario and inform please.

Thanks in advance.

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1. Maintain all customizing settings as mentioned in my previous thread.

2.Create info record for vendor, material group and purchasing organization; maintain scales for discount condition RB00 as mentioned in my previous thread.

Please follow below steps while creating purchase order for material without master record:

1. Enter Vendor

2. Check the purchasing organization in header org. data same as that of which you have created info record

3. First line item  - Use K as account assignment category, enter short text, enter site, scroll to info record column and enter the info record number you have created; enter quantity as 50; enter G/L account and cost center

4. Second line item - repeat step 3 but change the quantity to 150.

5. Check the condition tab in header as well as item level, it will show $2 as absolute discount.

I hope this will help.



Former Member
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Hi saket,

Thanks a lot for your detail explanation. Its working as described.

But one more question , What ever you explained was for consumption i.e account assignment category.

I want to procure group of  materials for stock, and should be able to provide group discount.

How can i map this in sap ??

Waiting for Reply...

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Please refer to below thread to use group condition for stock material

You can also try maintaining condition record for the discount condition type at material group/ vendor/ site level with scales using tcode MEK1.



Former Member
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Hi Saket,

   The link which mentioned above tells to make use of Group Condition Routine.          

As you provided solution for non stock materials (without material master) using group condition checkbox and header condition checkbox  along with scales for RB00.

Why cant the same be used for Stock Procurement i.e only group condition check box and scales...?

Using GroupCondition routine control ,discount is distributed by calculating total quantites of line items.

I want the procedure to get to know group condition along with scales for stock procurement without group condition routine.

Thanks in advance.

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When a PO is created for stock materials the group condition with scales for material group will not work because each master record has its own condition record. System looks for conditions from specific to general. The scales maintained in the info record of a material master will only work if multiple PO line items for same material are created because of different delivery dates, summation of quantities belonging to same material group to avail group discount cannot happen with use of group condition and scales alone.



Former Member
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Ok Saket. This means we cannot use group condition with scales to avail  group discount for stock procurement, as the same worked for non stock procurement.Are you trying to tell this in above thread ??

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Yes, unlike non stock procurement the settings pertaining to group condition will not work for stock procurement.



Former Member
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Ok saket. Thanks . But I have one scenario which is  to be mapped in sap. Its based on Group

condition. Please follow up.

1.)You maintained a discount based condition record based on material group ( = 01 for example). You maintained scales also.

QTY       Discount

1-10         Rs 100

11-50       Rs105

51-150     Rs110

2.)You are creating a Purchase order for a vendor  with five different items with different quantities as below

ITEM 1 - 25 No's

ITEM 2 - 3 No's

ITEM 3 - 12 No's

ITEM 4 - 27 No's

ITEM 5 - 62 No's

All the material is having the material group = 01.

3.) While calculating the discount, system  must add the quantities of items which have material group = 01.Here total quantity of items is 129.

My requirement is since total quantity is greater than 150 . All line items should get  Rs 110 discount irrespective of individual  quantities.

Is this possible? If yes ,How?

Waiting for reply.......

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As per above example I understand as follows:

1. You want to procure 5 non stock materials belonging to same material group 01 from a vendor; you have maintained info record at material group 01 with scales.

2. Total order quantity is 129 units.

Your requirement - To avail the discount of INR 110 on all materials in PO if the total quantity of PO exceeds 51 units.


1. Maintain info record for material group 01 with scales.

2. Since you require an absolute value discount; go to its condition type maintenance screen in SPRO and set the indicator for group condition.

3. Prepare a PO consisting 5 line items with account assignment category K + account assignement details at item level, desired description, quantity, plant, delivery date, and material group info record # in infor record column.

4. You could verify the discount at header and item levels.

I hope this helps.



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if you are using group condition, you need to specify how the line items are grouped thru the routine 3 which totals all the material in a pricing group. 

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Hi Ken C,

The group condition feature is to distribute value put in header to line items. This is ok.

  Feature of Quantity Scales in condition record is to check the quantity and select corresponding amount(value) in PO.

In the above example, even if i do not use condition group checkbox  and maintain only scales

the result is same as you explained. Then what is the use of maintaining group condition along with scales ??

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Hi, the group condition feature enables the condition type value to be allocated to the PO line items (say in your example you have 2 lines of 60pc each with different delivery dates), then the 110 USD/pc price will be used for both lines (BTW, normally it is less expensive when quantity is bigger - hence the group condition advantage).
