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Dispute managemen: limit possible status per category

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in our dispute management we have several categories.

Not all statusses in the status profile are relevant for all categories. Is there a place where we can limit per category the possible statusses?



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Hi Nico,

The status profile determines the available status for a dispute case. There can only be one status profile for a dispute case type, and it does not depend on other attribute values, like the category. For your requirement I can think of two approaches:

  1. Use one dispute case type for each category, so each category only has one status profile. This can be a problem if you create dispute cases from FBL5N with a default case type for certain company codes. You would have to undo that customizing, so the user can select the dispute case type to use. Also, the status profile would be fixed for that dispute case once it is created, so even if you changed the category, the status available for that dispute case would be the same.
  2. You can use the BAdI: Customer-Specific Validation of Cases. With this BAdI you can have a custom validation to make sure the status and the category are valid together. If they are not, you can display an error message, but the user will have to know how to change the category or the status to pass the validation.

There could be other approaches, but those might involve modifications to the standard functionality, like using custom code in the definition of the values available for the status. This way you could display or hide some status values depending on the category. This is more complex, and this would not be supported by SAP Product Support.

Please let me know if you need further guidance with any of these ideas.

Thanks and best regards,

Pablo Lozano

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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I used the change BADI.. May be the other one would help too

Active Contributor
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I achieved something similar using a BAdI. You can write your code to prevent the statuses that you don’t want for a category


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why the change BADI and not validate?

