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Depreceation posting

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Hi all

while running the depreceation run. error is coming as " assing a co object for the account XXXX(which is a Dep account)". my doubt is we are assigning the cost center for each asset in the master data. while calculation the depreceation will the system pick this cost center?.if not where shall i give this assignment.

deprecetion should be posted to the cost center in which the asset is belonging.

how to do this ?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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you can do the config in acsec tcode. so that whenever the depreciation hits the particular asset it will post in with respect to the cost center assigned in asset master data for co records. Just verify the tcode correctly (I did not remember correctly and I dont have sap access at this moment)

Let me know if you have any questions.

All the best

K Suresh Kumar

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

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like the others said, you can assign "account assignment" object for cost center in : t-code Acset.

The Detail as following :

1. Fill "AcctAsgnOb" : KOSTL

2. Fill "Tra" : *

3, Fill "Account Assignment Type" : 01 APC Values Posting

4. Tick "AcctAssgnt"

5. Repeat Step 1 until 2. then Fill "Account Assignment Type" with Depreciation run". Don't Forget to tick "AcctAssgnt".

Hope it will be helpfull.

Former Member
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do it in tcode acset (I think this is the correct tcode, as domnic said). let me know if you have any questions on this.

K Suresh Kumar

Former Member
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Do you are working with ERP 2005 or ERP 2006?

In these releases you have to assign in customizing to witch CO-objects you want to post from asset management. When you don't set this up you can get these errors.


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we are using ecc6

where we have to assign the co object?

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when we are creating asset master data in AS01 the time dependent tab have cost center field.

Mention the related cost center..

Please award points to this if it solve your point.


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The cost centre in the master data, will only be used in depreciation postings, if

you configure the system to do so.

The configuration/settings for this are in Transaction ACSET (4.7)

Pre 4.7 there was an entry in the IMG to activate posting with cost centre.

Kind regards

Former Member
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As you said you can provide cost center for each asset so that system will post dep. to the respective cost center of each asset.(AS02, time dependent tab page)

By default, if you want to maintain a single cost center for all assets ( use T.code OKB9 provide Dep.A/c)



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There might be a Cost element for Depreciation and its was assigned to any Cost Object till.

With out specifying a cost object you cant post any values to that GL account and costelement underlying.

or otherwise cost center assignment might be there in Asset master(Costing Depreciation Area)

I ,think this will solve ur problem.

Assign points if useful.

Thank You,

Purnachandra RM