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Delta Accrual not Calculating Amounts

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Hallo All

I am creating a delta accrual for a condition contract and when the settlement document is created the condition type that are supposed to be filled with the accrual values are showing a value of zero.

The condition type for volume determination correctly gets the total volume but others are showing zero.For example, ZEXB which is a copy of RES1 does not return a value for the same access which has been used to create the condition contract.

In this case a combination of Contract,Sales Org, Dist Channel and Plant was used in the master data but when I create the settlement document the value for plant is not determined.

What configuration could I have missed? I have gone through the documnetation in Note 2535889 for my relevant version

Please assist with resolution of this issue.  

1. Condition Contract Master Data

Condition Contract Master Data.jpg

2. Settlement Document Header 

Settlement Document Header .jpg

3. Settlement Document Pricing Analysis

Settlement Document Pricing Analysis.jpg

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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This has been resolved

1. The field WERKS was missing in the config activity >> Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination

2. There was WS211 error and this has been resolved with the config mentioned in Note 3535525


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