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Deleted purchase order with release strategy

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Hi all,

When PO are deleted, the release strategy is disabled. However, if you mark final invoice and delivery completed indicators, the release strategy is triggered, even if the po is deleted.

Is it possible to disable the release strategy when final invoice and delivery completed indicator are marked?

Thank you for your answer

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Former Member
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I've not come across the situation you describe but possibly it's because setting those indicators is viewed as effecting the overall value of the PO in a shortfall situation, when there are still open items (which it does). Experiment with setting those indicators immediately after a Release Strategy set when the item with indicators set would result in a new Strategy or be outside of change tolerance.

Report back because I've done Release Strategy quite a number of times and never had that situation reported.

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Thank you for your answer. The detailed situation is as following:

The PO is not yet released

Then we mark ''final invoice'' and ''delivery completion'' boxes in ME22N transaction

Then we delete the PO in ME22N transaction

The problem: Atfer that, the release strategy is still open. But we don't want any release strategy and we are trying to know why we still have one.

Former Member
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Is this with respect to single item POs ? Does your release strategy start from 0 (and not for example 0.01) ?

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I have the same problem with multi item POs

I think the release strategy starts from 0.01 because when all items are deleted and ''final invoice'' and ''delivery completion'' boxes are NOT marked, there is no release strategy.

Active Contributor
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SAPs Release strategy for purchase orders is a header level release strategy.

Delivery complete and final invoice are indicators at item level, which should usually not have any direct impact to a PO release.

Best you start posting the characteristics that are used in your strategy.

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The technical expert in my team has found the explanation to that problem:

A deleted item is "statistical" => there is no release strategy (standard control in ME_REL_STRATEGIE_EKKO function module)

But if ''final invoice'' and ''delivery completion'' are marked, the item is NOT statistical (standard control in LMEPOF4X include)

Therefore, a release strategy is redetermined even if the item is deleted

Thank you all for having tried to help