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Deleted Invoices in Supplier Invoices List - how to track, where to find?


Dear all, 

we are facing the issue that invoices which are in approval but not posted yet are deleted. How can we track those deleted invoices? 

How can we track deleted invoices which where also uploaded?

Deleting of invoices is possible in the app supplier invoices list. 

Any idea on how to find, track and improve?

Kind regards


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Hi Matthias,

That's an interesting question, why users has to delete invoices? if there are errors the approver can reject it and user can fix the error and submit for approval again.

I don't think there is an option available to track deleted invoices - if you want to check them one by one you can try the app "Display Supplier Invoice Advanced" and it should throw an error like "document XX/XX is deleted".



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Hi Sandeep, yes the app "Display Supplier Invoice Advanced" it says me that the document was deleted. But I do not find more Information.

We also opened a ticket at SAP, they replied that it can be found in the backend System Table RBKP). How do accces? Many thanks, Matthias

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Which Suppliers invoices are you talking of with PO or with PO? Are these Invoices posted? The correct way is to reverse them if they have been wrongly posted.

Is there a App to upload suppliers invoice (FB60) - non PO. I was trying to located one, but could not find It



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Hi Randal, the question is free of PO and non-Po. In the app "Create supplier invoice", or by uploading the invoice and opening it in the "Supplier invoice List", it is possible to "save as complete" invoices with PO and non-PO. Yes, if an Invoice is posted, it can't be deleted. In our case the invoice was "save as complete", and then send to the cost Center owner for approval. Now we are trying to find out where and what happened....