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CVI Errors during Synchronisation of customers/Vendors to BP

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While running MDS Lod cockpit, got the below three errors. I could not find any sap note on these. Can someone help or point to an sap note

error 1) Business Partner already exists . What is to be done for this. What SAP note ?

error 2). Business partner with GUID ....................." does not exists ? any sap note or resolution for this ?

already ran reports ZCVI_CUST_LINK_CREATE and ZCUSTCONTACT_LINK_CHECK_REPORT but still same error .

error 3) on the left pane as shown below, system shows customer numbers. But in certain cases it is not showing customer numbers as below, rather it is showing "new object " with error = "Business Partner no internal standard grouping exists " ? what is to be done for this ?

Error 4) Business partner cat 2 not permitted as below ? what this means ?



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Errors 1 and 2 seem to due to database inconsistencies. You could check their links in table CVI_CUST_LINK and then check the business partner data in BP tables like BUT000 etc to see where exactly is the inconsistency and then run the appropriate report.

Error 3: I presume the error is during the creation of BP for the contact person relationship.

Error 4: Check the role category used for the role ZB2C00. You can check this in table TB003. Then check the allowed partner categories for the same in table TB003A. I think PERSON(XPERS) category is not marked for the role category which is causing this error.

