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Custom Wagetypes in Payroll Journal

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Hi Consultants,

Could anyone tell me how to print the totals of custom wagetypes (eg. Basic, DA, HRA etc) in the TOTAL section of Payroll Journal ?.Currently it accumulates the technical wagetypes only (eg. /3f1, /3e1 etc).



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In table view V_512W_D, look if you use Evaluation Classes for the WTs that are already printing on the Payroll Journal, If so, make the appropriate corrections to your Custom WTs.

In the Payroll Journal configuration, check out the groupings in Window 1, identify your totals, and confirm if they are generated by a single WT or through a Cumulation ID. Next, check the Cumulation IDs that are used, and if required, add your Custom WTs to the appropriate ones.

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Hi Remi,

Many Thanks.

Evaluation Classes for all technical wagetypes (/3P1, /3F1, /460 etc) & custom WT (1000, 1001, Basic HRA etc) are all alike. Ev Cl 3 is Blank for all.

However, the technical wagetypes can be added to total ut not the custom Wagetypes.

May I know where the setting is to be changed?



0 Kudos

Hi All,

Do you have a complete path of a single customer wagetype for Payroll Jurnal ? i.e. If my Basic is WT 1000, then what should be its Processing Class, Cumulationa Class & Evaluation Class relevant for this printing.

I have checked the EC for the WT which are printed & all of them are blank. Then It is to be cumulated in a cumulation ID for individual's earnings. Also It should be cumulated at the Total Page as basic of all employees...

What all I expect is as follows :

Individual Record:

Emp 1001 Basic DA HRA Tot Earnings

Emp Name PF ESI PTax Tot Dedn Net Sal


Total Page :

Total Emp TotBas TotDA TotHRA Grand Total Earning

TotPF TotESI TotPTax Grand Total Dedn Total Net Sal

