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Former Member
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Dear Experts

My government is planning to reduce three zeros from every note..

For Example 50,000 will equal to 50..,  10,000 to 10

Please advice me how can i go ahead with my current SAP system and what be problem all over on the  system.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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Hi Parik,

If you are using SAP B1 8.8 release family or SAP B1 2007, you can't decrease the decimal places for all areas.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jimmy

Am using SAP Business One 8.82 (8.82.062) PL: 01.

So can be done to sort the issue of currency.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts

Am still waiting for strong support.



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Gordon

PLD or Crystal Report is a temporary solution.we are looking for historical data solution.

Please advice



Former Member
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For history data, copy your database to a test environment and change all amounts by factor of 1000 manually through script.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gordon

I did copy the history data to test environment but i did not understand the how to go ahead with 1000 manually through script.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Something like:

SET Price = Price/1000 or SET Linetotal= Linetotal/1000

You have to make sure header and row tables match with total.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Parikshit,

Your issue is not related to decimal places but actual value of the currency change. In my opinion, you have to decide the following:

1. Will you use the same database at all because you cant change the historical data?

2. Is it possible only change the output (all PLD or Crystal Reports)?

It will be tough if you still use the same database. The history will be distort by factor of 1000.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Parikshit,

First confirm the 'Rounding Method' setting defined in,

Administration -System Initialization - Document Settings - General Tab.

If the Rounding method selected is 'Currency' then you can control the decimal place for each of the currencies defined in, Administration - Setup - Financials - Currencies

If you want to operate some currencies with decimal places and some do not with decimal places, then select the Rounding method as 'Currency'.

It is to be noted that the currency decimal place defined in the Currencies Setup as above will take precedence over the global decimal place settings defined in Administration - System Initialization - General Settings - Display tab

I hope this helps you.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hari

My country is planning to reduce the digit not decimal point.

For example

Current Currency      New Currency

1000                              1

5000                              5

20000                            20

in short. Its dividing by 1000.

so how can i goahed with my current database figures with new currency figures.

