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Credit blocked and delivery blocked orders are showing in MD04 & APO when fix flag removed.

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Hi Team,

We have unchecked the fixed date quantity flag at item level and orders with credit block and delivery block is still passing requirements into MD04 & APO.Ask is not to pass requirement for these scenarios into MD04.


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Active Contributor
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Yes via code change, anything you can achieve but you need to look into some alternate standard options. When you say blocked sale orders, which are the blocks SAP to consider. Both at header level and schedule line level, you have delivery blocks and you need to validate both these fields. On the other hand, you can consider setting Reason for Rejection (which is a standard and best option) to block passing the requirements to md04, or, change the schedule line category manually to CN

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So I am looking at header blocks (Delivery & credit block). We want to have our process such that Fixed date quantity flag remains unflaged/blank at order creation and will be manually checked in change mode based on certain business processes.

Sending demand/requirement for delivery block and credit check needs to be stopped.

Orders cannot be rejected as they are valid nor can we change scheule line category because these orders when off block should be able to pass requirement.

Active Contributor
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Orders with credit block will not stop passing the requirements to MD04 and the only control is "Fixed date and qty" is to be checked to prevent this. Incidentally, Delivery Block will only block creation of delivery and neither this will stop passing the requirements

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Hi, Thanks for responding.

Our requirement is to unflag the fixed date/quantity but stop the requirements to pass for blocked orders? Can this be achieved via code change?